Tuesday, April 04, 2006


My Conductor

Imagine a hundred-piece orchestra arranged on the stage of an ornate performance hall. Each section is fully staffed and supplied. Every musician is a highly skilled and experienced instrumentalist. Furthermore, before each of them is a score; a masterpiece symphony. Do you see the potential? If you were in your theatre seat listening to them warm up, would you begin to anticipate the end-product of this multitude of talented maestros?

But wait! Suppose the concert were to begin haphazardly, at the whim of one or two members of the orchestra. What if they each artist began their performance at their own leisure and pace? Can you envision the chaos and discord that would ensue if there was no conductor; no one to regulate the volume, tempo and cadence? In spite of all the proper ingredients, without a conductor the entire performance would be, at best, disappointing. The presence of, and capitulation to, the conductor is paramount to the success of any orchestra.

Imagine a hundred Christians. Suppose each of them is committed to their beliefs and experienced in their faith. Furthermore, assume that every one of them has access to God’s Word, which is not only the best-seller of all times, but also the masterpiece symphony which provides direction for all believers. What if all of these Christians were doing “Christian activity,” but they were doing it at their own leisure and at their own pace? Can you envision the chaos and discord that would ensue if no one is paying attention to The Conductor? In spite of all the proper ingredients, without God leading these Christians, their entire performance would be, at best, disappointing.

How often do believers have an encounter or two with God and then proceed to do their own thing? How often do churches get so caught up in their programs, rituals and traditions that God is not given any opportunity to influence their activities? How often are church services planned and carried out according to man’s wishes, without any room for sovereign visitations and interventions? Shouldn’t we all be letting our Conductor lead our personal lives as well as our corporate times of worship?

One may query, “But how is someone supposed to follow a God they cannot see, hear or touch?” The answer is provided in the historical record of the first Christians’ activities, as they did their best to follow God’s leading. Since the disciples and other first-century Christians were filled with the Holy Spirit, (Acts 2) they were able to let God give them guidance in practical decisions concerning their personal and religious life. See: Acts 5:3, 8:29, 10:19, 11:28, 16:7, 18:5, 20:22, and 21:4. They were living dynamic, Spirit-led lives, and, as a result, God used them to turn their world upside down. (Acts 17:6)

Is God free to make music in your life? Are you attuned to Him, or to traditions and rituals that are governed by mankind alone? Can you imagine the beauty of a prayer time or a church service that is truly led by God? Would you like to be able to truthfully say, “God is My Conductor”? I would. My heart is searching for a better connection with Him. I want my life to bring glory to his name. When the song of this age has been played I want to watch Jesus Christ turn and bow before an audience which is composed of all men and angels who have ever existed. The Bible says that one of these days, “That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.” (Philippians 2:10-11) When that event takes place, I want to be there - worshipping My Conductor!

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