Friday, July 06, 2012


“Fountain of Life” Uncovered

For centuries people have been seeking the “fountain of youth”.  At one time the explorer Juan Ponce de León thought it to be located somewhere in what is now Florida.  He searched diligently to no avail.  Today many seek youth through implants, injections, operations, diets and exercise.  But, alas, it is too allusive and we all grow old and die. 
Could it be that we are exploring for the wrong fountain?  Or maybe that fountain is smack dab in front of us, but we fail to recognize it’s immense value.  I’m not sure if you’ve noticed, but the Bible doesn’t encourage us to seek youth; it recommends that we seek life.  Jesus promised new life, abundant life and everlasting life. (John 3:5, 10:10 & 6:47)
Everlasting life is a gift to all who are born again. St. Peter explains how to be born again in Acts 2:38. He explains that believers can be filled with God’s Spirit. In that way, God, himself, empowers them to live an abundant life.  This New Birth also insures that when a believer dies they will enjoy eternal life in a place where there is no more sorrow or pain.
Great living, however is not relegated to a New Birth experience or a future heavenly existence.  According to the Bible “The instruction of the wise is like a life-giving fountain; those who accept it avoid the snares of death.” (Proverbs 13:14 NLT)  In other words, the good life is available to anyone who is humble enough to accept wise instruction.  Time and experience has proven to multiplied millions that the wisest instruction comes from the Bible. That is why “the Bible is the best-selling book every year. If sales of the Bible were included in best-seller lists, it would be a rare week when anything else would achieve a look in. It is wonderful, weird ... that in this godless age... this one book should go on selling, every month." (British TIMES newspaper,1996)  It keeps selling because people keep discovering that it is a life-giving fountain.
The Bible is packed full of great advice.  Nuggets like the 10 commandments and the Sermon on the Mount, if heeded, will be a fountain of life. Some of it may be a little hard to take, much like good medicine or the chiding of a coach.  As a result, many of us pass by the life-giving fountain without ever enjoying its benefits.  The truth remains: “if you ignore criticism, you will end in poverty and disgrace; if you accept correction, you will be honored.” (Proverbs 13:18 NLT)
You don’t need to stretch your face or tuck your tummy or stand on your head for hours in an attempt to hold on to your youth.  You can simply drink at the fountain of life – God’s Word.  If you obey it, you will have something much better than eternal youth – you will have abundant life on earth and eternal life when you die.  It would only take a few evenings to test this theory by reading a few New Testament books like Luke, John, Acts and Romans.  That would be less effort than a new diet or exercise program.  Try it and see if it doesn’t change your life for the better. Uncover the fountain of life.

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