Friday, June 27, 2008


Let Freedom Ring

Independence Day is a great American celebration. Cookouts, fairs, concerts and fireworks help us express our great appreciation for the freedom we enjoy. But, amazingly, many Americans don’t know many of the facts about America’s independence. A famous media personality once interviewed a family of five, asking each of them from whom America won its independence. Neither the young boy nor his parents could answer the question. The grandfather correctly answered, “The British.” I am wondering how they would answer an even more basic question: “Are you free?” How would you answer that question?

One definition of the word freedom is: “exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc.” ( We live in a free country, and yet so many Americans are bound by forces like painful memories, bad habits, unhealthy lifestyles, deep hurts and detrimental mindsets. Still others are not free due to external pressures such as: financial stress, peer pressure, performance issues, etc. We are a free country, but are we a free people?

I have had the privilege of watching hundreds of people discover a whole new, free life in the most unexpected place – a tank of water. I’ve watched their countenance changed in a moment’s time. Often they have made statements like: “I feel so much lighter; like a heavy load was taken off my shoulders.” How did they find this freedom? They repented and were baptized, in Jesus name. Yep – they found freedom by being dunked under water. They went into the water bound and came up free. I can’t explain it scientifically, but I have been witness to it hundreds of times. I’ve seen hundreds of miserable people change their lives simply by appropriating God’s plan for being set free. (See Acts 2:38).

Obviously, the key was not in that these people got wet. The key was in that they chose to place their lives in God’s hands. “…the Scriptures declare that we are all prisoners of sin, so we receive God’s promise of freedom only by believing in Jesus Christ.” (Galatians 3:22) Once these people believed in Christ they obeyed His command to be baptized so their sins could be washed away. This act of obedience freed God to do an incomprehensible work in their hearts and minds. The power of sin was broken. Usually, God was then able to fill them with His Spirit and empower them to live life on a higher plain. Their trust and obedience made them free.

My prayer is that thousands more experience this ultimate freedom. This is the kind that makes the eternal soul free. This is the kind of freedom that makes a person forever-free! Free from hatred. Free from addictions. Free from self-deception. Free from all the prisons created by sin. St. Paul said it this way:. “…there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus… the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death. (Romans 8:1 NLT) That is true freedom!

I say, “let freedom ring!” That familiar phrase is found in the patriotic song My Country Tis of Thee. It is also the name of a song, the name of a book, and the name of a political organization. But, as we approach another independence day, I offer it as a three-word prayer – Let freedom ring! Let freedom ring in your life – choose to be forever free.

Friday, June 13, 2008


Foul Language Exposes God’s Power

The words grated on my ears. Embarrassed for the speaker and hearers alike, I was hoping the tirade would soon be over. In a fit of rage one family member had begun to unload a string of expletives on another. Nothing positive was being accomplished. The words didn’t even have any logical point; they were simply the strongest words the speaker could rouse. I was witnessing an explosion of emotions expressed through foul language. The entire exchange was unnecessary and unfruitful. Everyone was left poorer for it.

In my humble opinion cursing is all too common today. It seems there are few ladies and gentlemen left who still have enough respect and self control to use wholesome language. It can even be argued that cuss words have been so overused that they have lost their impact. Ironically much of the cursing which is rudely imposed upon decent people ends up proving something that many of the speakers have no intention of proving; their foul language is really a testimony that God is the most powerful force in the universe. Unrestrained tempers and tongues prove that God is real, powerful and good.

Think about it for a spell. No one says “Oh, Sally Marie” when they smash their thumb; they use the name of our Savior. No one asks Santa Clause to damn people; they appeal to God. No one calls someone an ear or a nose when they want to express their disdain; they refer to them with sexual innuendos. No one tells someone to go to Mars when they are disapproving; they send them to Hell, God’s place of judgment. Have you ever wondered why so many curse words are derivatives of God or Jesus? Have you ever wondered why so many words related to sex have become “dirty words?” Have you ever wondered why many angry people express their faith in God and Hell?

I have a theory. Cursing is man’s way of trying to express himself in the most powerful language available. Many times such words are fueled by anger and hatred. Frankly, when we are angry, it feels good to speak evil of something or someone else – especially those powers and subjects we know that we should honor and respect. When reaching for the most powerful expressions available, many people speak of God or of his most powerful creations. When someone curses God, he or she is proving that on a subconscious level they know that God is the most powerful entity against whom they could speak. Their very abuse of God, his name, and his most powerful creations, are an admission that He is the supreme power of the universe. In the ears of a perceptive listener, the “curser” is testifying of their own weakness and of God’s glory and power.

My heart is saddened every time I hear such unrestrained speech “Why would people take the name of someone who died for them, Jesus Christ, and turn it into a curse word?” There are two possible answers to that question: Either they don’t have any idea as to just how much Christ loves them, or they are proving that He is powerful but they are too proud or stubborn to let Him be their Savior. If Jesus is truly your Savior, you will love and respect Him too much to misuse His name or speak ill of His creation. If you obey the God who gave the ten commandments, will find more productive ways to express your feelings.

I appreciate the ladies and gentlemen among us who still guard their tongue, and I wonder if those who are given to foul language ever stop to realize how much their expletives really prove their indiscretion while also proving God’s glory and power.

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