Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Obedience to God's Law is Liberty

In 1843 a massive granite structure was erected in Worcester, MA.  The stately building would be expanded many times and would dominate Lincoln Square for many years.  Eventually the labyrinth of grand halls, courtrooms and offices totaled 180,000 square feet.  This edifice served as Worcester County Courthouse until 2007.  Etched in stone above the Greek revival pillars that face Main Street is a thought-provoking quote which is usually credited to the Roman philosopher Boethius.  The inscription reads: "Obedience to the Law is Liberty."

Although that statement may be unnerving to some and politically incorrect to others I think a simple word substitution would make it perfect.  With my edit it would read: "Obedience to God's law is liberty."

It may be as far-fetched as Science fiction, but just imagine what the world would be like if  you and I, and every other human being in the world, would agree not to steal, kill or commit adultery  -- most of the world's problems could be solved that easily.  Suppose every human being obeyed God's laws and avoided strong drink -- much suffering, many diseases, many disability issues and much poverty would be eradicated.  What if every man loved God with his whole heart and selflessly loved his neighbor as himself -- we wouldn't need tort reform, locks or even armies. Imagine the liberty our world would enjoy if everyone obeyed God's laws. 

The Psalmist said it like this: "Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the LORD.  Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts.  They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths... O LORD, you are righteous, and your regulations are fair.  Your laws are perfect and completely trustworthy.  I am overwhelmed with indignation, for my enemies have disregarded your words.  Your promises have been thoroughly tested; that is why I love them so much." Psalm 119:1-3, 137-140 (NLT)

Realistically complete liberty for all is not feasible in this world, simply because many people have chosen to disregard, or even disdain, God's wisdom.  The questions arise, "What if I am obeying God and others are not?  How should I live when other try to take advantage of my law-abiding ways?"  The answer was beautifully demonstrated in the life of Jesus Christ.  As God in the flesh, Jesus lived life the way He designed it to be lived.  As a result of His life, the history of mankind was dramatically altered.  Millions have followed in His footsteps and experienced personal liberty. Entire countries, such as America, have enjoyed liberty to the extent that they have applied God's laws.  Jesus showed us that we can live by God's law no matter how bigoted, or foolish or cruel our fellow man might be.  Doing the right thing does not smooth all of life's problems, but it does make us free. Obedience to God's law is liberty!

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