Wednesday, October 17, 2012


The Man Who Never Was

In his book The Man Who Never Was Ewen Montagu recounts the true story of an ingenious ruse concocted by British Intelligence during World War II.  Operation 'Mincemeat' was a scheme employed by British Intelligence in 1943, in an effort to fool the Axis powers into thinking Operation 'Husky' (the invasion of Sicily by the Allied forces) would take place somewhere else.

Operation 'Mincemeat' acquired a human cadaver, dressed it as a 'Major William Martin, R.M.' and dumped it into the ocean near Huelva, Spain.  Chained to the dead body was a brief-case that contained fabricated top secret letters which suggested that the Allies were about to attack Sardinia and Greece. When the body drifted ashore, pro-German Spaniards discovered the letters and took them to German Intelligence.  The ploy was a smashing success, causing the Germans to think that Sardinia and Greece were the intended destination of the Allies, when the Allied forces were actually landing in Sicily.

The real name of the person whose body was used remains a secret, although in 1997 someone claimed to have information that it was Glyndwr Michael, a homeless Welsh alcoholic who had committed suicide.  Major William Martin, R.M. never existed.

War stories such as this abound.  While it may seem mystical to some, there is a real war between good and evil. The Bible warns us that the enemy of our souls, the Devil, uses many tactics similar to the one above.  Your enemy and mine is the master of lies and often resorts to deceit and heckling, only he does it through our thought-life.  He attempts to create an imaginary world:
·         He instigates worry and mistrust, causing us to manufacture problems that don’t exist.
·         By damaging our self esteem, he can easily get us thinking that people don’t like us.
·         Our memories can become tainted, causing us to misremember.
·         By demoralizing cultures he causes us to believe love is a feeling, or marriage is undesirable, or that happiness can be attained using chemicals.
·         In an effort to protect ourselves from being disappointed, we can become so skeptical that when good things happen we can’t accept and enjoy them.
·         Because of the abuse or hurt in our lives we can come to believe things about ourselves that are not true. 

If we are not wise to these devices we can allow inadvertently believe stories that are not even true.  If we believe his lies, we imagine we are somebody we are not -- the man who never was.

But believers have a solution.  God has given us His Word on so many issues.  When we calibrate our thinking according to truth, we are protected from Satan’s ruses.  St Paul said it this way, “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;  Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; (2 Corinthians 10:4-5)

Capture your thoughts.  Pull down the strongholds of thinking that makes you feel inadequate or beyond hope.  Don’t believe everything you hear or feel.  Believe the truth of Scripture.  Believe that God loves you and that anything that is out of order in life can be set in order if you will allow Him to be captain of your ship. The truth shall make you deception-free!

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