Friday, January 25, 2008


Jesus; In A Class Of His Own

A ton of granite pebbles is sold for ten dollars. The Hope Diamond, could be sold for two hundred fifty million dollars - more than most of us will earn in a lifetime. What’s the difference? Aren’t they all hard rocks? Yes, but the 45.52 carat Hope Diamond is many times harder, infinitely more transparent, much more beautiful, and extremely rare; it is in a class of its own.

The same is true of people. Throughout history, there have been millions of important religious leaders, prophets and teachers. But none of them have affected mankind as powerfully and positively as Jesus Christ. Someone might ask, “What makes Jesus different?” He is in a class of His own. He is one of a kind.

Perhaps, like me, you have often been surprised at the intellectual dishonesty of many people who are attempting to be politically correct and refer to Jesus as just one of the great prophets or teachers. Jesus was not like other great religious leaders. He is in a league of His own. Consider a short list of exceptional qualities that set Jesus Christ far apart from any other historical, religious leader:

  1. His birth, ministry, death, and resurrection were accurately predicted by hundreds of scriptures, which were written by multiple prophets, who lived in varied times and places.
  2. He was virgin-born.
  3. Angels declared His birth and a star marked His birthplace.
  4. He healed many diseases and performed many miracles.
  5. He raised three people from the dead – one of them had been dead for three days.
  6. He claimed to be God.
  7. He predicted his own death and resurrection.
  8. He rose from the dead.
  9. He ascended into heaven with a promise to return.
  10. He left with a promise to fill believers with His Spirit, which took place 10 days later and continues to take place until this day.

In addition to the distinctive qualities mentioned above, it must be noted that Jesus didn’t claim to be a prophet -- He claimed to be God in flesh. That is why the Jews considered Him to be a blasphemer. (John 8) Jesus’ contemporaries didn’t object to His good teaching; they objected to His claim to be God. In fact, the primary doctrine that still sets true Christianity apart from other religions is the claim that Jesus is God and that “there is none other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (Acts 4:12)

If Jesus were just a good man, the greatest doctrine of Christianity would not be possible. Christianity is all about the redemptive death of Jesus Christ. The death of a great man would not have been valuable enough to pay for the sins of mankind. Only the blood of a spotless Lamb could do that. Jesus was not simply a prophet, a great teacher, or the founder of a great religion. Jesus was God manifested in flesh. (I Timothy 3:16) He was God in Christ, reconciling the world to himself. (2 Corinthians 5:19) He was “the image of the invisible God.” (Colossians 1:15) He was, and is, “the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace...”(Isaiah 9:6)

The uniqueness and divinity of Christ may not be evident to everyone quite yet, but one day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.” (Philippians 2:10-11) And, because Jesus is so rare… so special… so priceless, true believers commit every aspect of their lives to Him. They do not lump Him in with other prophets and teachers. They recognize that He is in a class of His own. He is one of a kind.

Friday, January 04, 2008


Thank You Ladies and Gentlemen

A man and a woman were approaching the entryway of a public building. Recognizing they would arrive at the door simultaneously, the man quickened his step, opened the door, and stood aside so the woman could enter the building. The woman, obviously offended, stopped and said, “You don’t need to hold the door for me just because I’m a woman.” To which the man aptly replied, “Ma’am, I am not holding the door for you because you’re a woman, I am holding the door for you because I am a gentleman.”

I love that story because it capsulizes a whole philosophy of life – the philosophy that good character should trump outside influences. How refreshing it is to meet people who are doing the right thing because it is in their character, not because a law, a politically-correct pressure group, or a peer has forced them to do so. What a blessing it is to encounter a real lady or a real gentleman.

I would like to thank all the:

Such people make for a great society and for great families. I have often heard people argue that there is no such thing as “Leave it to Beaver families” any more. Such families are considered nerdy, dorky or boring. I would contend that safe, kind, self-respecting families are not only possible, but they are the only hope for a faltering society. Politicians, programs, laws, or even dictators are powerless to give this kind of life to anyone. This kind of life must be laid hold of individual by individual…. day by day… choice by choice. People who develop these qualities are rare and valuable, indeed.

I was born to a lady and a gentlemen. They were not afraid to instill character into me even though I was a toddler in the 60s. Later, in high school, I took a good deal of flack because I chose not to drink, sleep around or do drugs. I am not as proud of that as I am thankful for those who prompted me to make choices that would serve me well. The most valuable things my parents gave me were imposed discipline, morals and values. I have since researched, tested and accepted them for my own. I don’t live the way I do because a church, government, peer group or society force me to; I live the way I do because it is who I am.

When God came up with the idea of people, His goal was to give everyone a life that was “rich and satisfying.” (see John 10:10 NLT) That kind of life starts with character. Are you truly your own person? Are you brave enough to buck culture, trends, talking heads, and peer pressure in order to be someone you can respect? Being a genuine lady or gentleman is nothing to be ashamed of… everybody wins when you exhibit good character without apology.

Ladies and Gentlemen: thank you for seasoning our society with goodness. I, for one, would like to make your acquaintance.

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