Friday, August 27, 2010


What Is Truth?

What is truth? This famous question was asked of Jesus by Pontius Pilate, the man who, according to tradition, perpetually washed his hands after condemning Christ to be crucified. Ironically, Pontius was talking to the one who claimed that He was “the way, the truth and the life.” (John 14:6)

U.S. President James Garfield said, “The truth will set you free but first it will make you miserable.” That is often the way it happens; God allows life to unsettle us until we are finally willing to take an honest look at ourselves and admit our need for change. Many of us have to hit bottom before we finally admit our need for a Savior and accept His plan for life.

Entire groups of people and even nations find themselves in the same predicament from time to time. They try to live according to their preferences while ignoring the dictates of the One who created them. Too often the people group or nation must crash before the majority of its people are willing to admit that God and his ways are right. It is a miserable process, but one that can be expedited if people will just be humble and honest.

I was recently encouraged by a bit of honesty that bled through the article excerpted below:

Harvard Chaplain Oversees Godless 'Congregations' for Humanists
Wednesday, March 18, 2009

"CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — The monthly schedule is church-like, with its parenting classes, guest speakers and small group meetings to hash out shared beliefs. But God isn't part of this Cambridge congregation.
Greg Epstein, the humanist chaplain at Harvard University, is building a God-free model of community that he hopes helps humanists increase in numbers and influence.
Epstein sees potential in research showing that there are more people with no religion. In the latest American Religious Identification Survey, released this month, 15 percent of respondents in 2008 said they had no religion, compared to 8.2 percent in 1990.
Epstein believes that group includes large numbers of people who are humanist, but have never identified themselves that way and can be reached.
At the same time, there is broader acceptance of those with no faith, as indicated by President Barack Obama's mention of "nonbelievers" in his inaugural address, Epstein said."
Maybe America’s intellectuals are finally getting honest about humanism being a religion. Maybe there are some who are beginning to admit that schools of higher education have been the seminaries for humanism for decades. Maybe if we can admit this truth we can begin to understand how that much of the mess we have gotten ourselves into is rooted in the problems associated with the religion of humanism.
Perhaps I should say it more plainly: The miserable truth is that when a nation trusts more in man than in God (as recommended by the religion of humanism), the result will be chaos in the home, disorientation in societal morals and values, and selfishness and greed in the marketplace. The truth is that America switched religions but pretended that their new religion was not a religion at all. The truth is that humanism is a religion paid for by tax dollars and forced upon us through schools, museums and many other “secular” vehicles. It is a faith in man rather than God. It is the most arrogant form of idolatry.
But here’s another, more encouraging truth. History has proven that when an individual or group of people will admit their need for God, He will quickly and gracefully forgive them and lead them back to a better path. Often one’s misery will lead to a “born again” experience that will set people free. The truth is that you and our nation can be set free, by putting their faith in “The Truth!”

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Now That’s Apostolic

Once upon a time several hundred people took a couple of weeks off work, gathered together with for a prayer meeting (in either a borrowed or rented room – possibly in a Jewish temple), and waited upon God for a promise they had been given. The place exploded. They had a two-week revival that resulted in as many as 15,000 people receiving the baptism of Holy Spirit, speaking with other tongues… they turned their world upside down. Now that’s Apostolic.
Apostolic: “Of, relating to, or derived from the teaching or practice of the 12 Apostles.” (The American Heritage Dictionary) I want to be Apostolic. I want to turn my world upside down. Apostolics are sometimes shunned by “mainstream Christianity” because of their unorthodox explanation of the Godhead, their unorthodox worship, their unorthodox insistence of tongue-talking and their high morals and modest dress. Breaking rank has its price, but it can be easily proven (by a casual reading of the book of Acts) that the above mentioned practices were not unorthodox to the first century church.
The Christian church was launched when notoriously impetuous, unofficial leader (who, less than two months prior to the prayer meeting, had publicly cursed and denied Christ) stood up with the others whom Jesus had appointed as leaders and began proclaiming a politically-incorrect Gospel to a crowd of people who were at a festival sponsored by the people who had killed their founder. Their audience had not been gathered using flyers or other typical advertising techniques. There were no ushers, no musicians, no chairs and no sound systems. The crowd was milling around outdoors questioning the sanity of the unorthodox tongue talkers who appeared to be drunk. There was no preplanned order of service, the preacher had no notes, no one had any idea as to how one should pray people through to the Holy Ghost. There was no organized follow up, no constitution, no manual and no licensing board. But they were the original Apostolics.
Bear with me as I belabor the point and mention some other characteristics of the Apostles and other first-century believers which some might now consider unorthodox:

• They didn’t always have a long term plan
• They didn’t let the lack of funds or facilities stop them
• They were not intimidated by human or evil spirits
• Much of their ministry was done in homes and in the market place
• They often started in one direction and ended up somewhere else
• They attended churches of other faiths
• They rented lecture halls
• They witnessed at pagan discussion groups
• Healings and miracles were often done in the town square
• When opposed, they rebuked hagglers, blinded detractors and witnessed to their guards
• On occasion, they slipped out of town after having stirred up a hornets’ nest
• Like Jesus, they did good and were hated for it

In our efforts to do good, we can inadvertently box God in – that is not Apostolic. But when we move when God is moving, share our faith with others, heal the sick, expect miracles and live a life that is morally pure, then we’ve tapped into what Jesus’ disciples tapped into – that’s Apostolic.

Monday, August 16, 2010


God’s Little Clues

One cold Saturday morning last March I was enjoying a stroll at the Great River Walk in Hartford CT. I had traversed Founders Bridge and was meandering through the lakeside park admiring the sculptures and beautiful skyline, when I heard a loud “rat a tat tat”. Following the sound, I left the path and surveyed the trees until I spotted the source of the racket. I paused for a few minutes to observe an industrious woodpecker, as he enthusiastically bore a hole into the tree to which he was tenaciously clinging. I marveled at yet another testimony of a Creator; a little clue that the world was planned and brought into existence by someone far bigger and more intelligent than you and I.
“The woodpecker is an example of what is known as perfection of the organism. Such an organism is one in which several traits exist that are interdependent on each other and would be useless or even harmful if these traits were not fully developed from the beginning.” ( The idea that one a day a typical bird decided to chop a hole in tree and suck out some bugs may not be far-fetched, but to believe that a bird which was not born equipped for the task would survive the process is preposterous. A woodpecker is specially designed for the job he must do. He must have talons that can secure him to the tree. His beak must be able to exert 1200 g’s upon each impact. He must be able to hammer the tree at the rate of 1000 blows per minute. The last two factors require that he have a built-in shock absorber that keeps him from beating his own brains out. In addition, he must have an extra long tongue that is rolled up and stored when not in use.
Any bird that was trying to evolve into a woodpecker would die of starvation or occupational hazards in the process. Following “the fittest survive” logic, every intermediate creature would have become extinct. An ordinary bird attempting to do what a woodpecker does would, at the very least, give himself a concussion and, at the very most, make a hole but not have a tongue long and sticky enough to remove the coveted insects.
The world is full of plants and animals that could not have developed via the evolutionary model, since they could not have survived the intermediate forms of life required to become what they are today. Some of the more obvious examples include: beavers, giraffes, poison-shooting spiders, and fly traps. (For more information, watch the fascinating documentary series, by Dr. Jobe Martin, called “Incredible Creatures I, II & III.”)

God left these clues for the benefit of people who have humble, teachable hearts. The hard-hearted will devise theories that fit their belief system, but the teachable will look at the tangible evidence and admit that every species was intelligently designed and engineered to fit perfectly in an ecosystem. If that were not the case, none of us should be worried about the extinction of a species, because, if evolution saved us to this point it should save us in years to come. Personally, I think you will be safer and happier believing the little clues left by your Creator.
If you’ll take time to talk to Him, He’ll begin giving you clues that he is alive and that He loves you. This article may be one such clue. Follow the evidence. Respond to the tug you feel in your heart. Watch world events unfold just as predicted in the Bible. Notice the joy that true, committed Christians experience. Read the Bible and notice the verses that “jump out at you.” Let your emotions go when you pray and be aware of God’s loving response. These are all clues that there is an awesome God and He want to have a relationship with you.

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