Thursday, June 16, 2011


A Primary Life Coach

Make no mistake, life is tough, at best. The world is so big and our ships are so small. Then there are the storms and the questions and the unexpected glitches. I would think that everybody could use some advice, some encouragement and some help with life; everybody could use a good coach. God knew that. That is why he invented parents. Dad’s are our built-in life coaches. That is why he instructed Fathers to be faithful to their wife and to love and discipline their children: “Fathers, do not irritate and provoke your children to anger [do not exasperate them to resentment], but rear them [tenderly] in the training and discipline and the counsel and admonition of the Lord.” (Ephesians 6:4 AMP)
Since life is so foreboding and confusing, we often need a good coach who shouts encouraging words from the sidelines. We need an experienced and optimistic voice saying things like the plaque I recently saw in a novelty store. It said, “Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting what a ride.” Sometimes we lack the courage to take that ride unless someone comes along side us in this intimidating adventure.
It appears that God has designed life itself to be a means of sifting through mankind and see who wants to be a part of his kingdom. He is not interested in making it too easy, but neither does He make it too hard. Running the course and keeping the faith is often our greatest challenge. I am so thankful for a dad who loved God and helped me find my way. I am also thankful for the men who have been spiritual fathers to me. Their preaching, teaching and counseling have made the difference at many key junctures along the way.
Dads and spiritual fathers, you are primary life coaches. Please be diligent and kind as you help your little champs tackle the challenges that life presents to them. Your steady hand and gentle encouragement makes such a big difference. If you can lead those in your care into a relationship with the King of the Universe, you will have coached them into an abundant life on earth, but, more importantly, you will have helped them cross the finish line where they will enter into eternal life with Christ -- I can’t think of a greater accomplishment in all the world. There is no greater privilege than that of being a father, a primary life coach.

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