Does it bother you when people claim one world view and then live another? For example, are you irritated with politicians who condemn greed while cruising the world on their private yacht? Or does it bother you when someone lectures you on their version of a healthy diet and then pigs out on junk food? It appears that all of us are prone to hypocrisy; too often our theories and the living of our lives don’t line up. This has been diligently pointed out in the lives of people who believe in the Bible, but I have rarely heard it mentioned as it relates to those who believe in evolution.
Consider the amazing claims of evolution. It has been proposed that life spontaneously erupted and became amazingly more and more complex and successful in spite of unbelievable odds. Nothing was able to stop it; it just kept getting better and better, adapting to every challenge and conquering every obstruction. Fish figured out how to grow limbs, giraffes developed longer and longer necks, animals miraculously developed the apparatus necessary for flight – all by chance! Only people of immense faith can truly embrace such a doctrine.
However, a true believer in evolution would have to let go of a lot of popular opinions about natural laws and social issues that are currently being promoted by scientific and educational communities. For example it is a stretch to embrace the law of entropy and evolution. It also seems intellectually dishonest to be frantic about global warming, if life has survived and thrived through multiple ice ages. Why worry about such global issues if evolution will triumph? Wouldn’t that be hypocritical? If evolution is really the driving force of forward progress, then why do we fret about species that are going extinct or radiation that is killing humans – won’t the animals adapt to save themselves?
There are also moral considerations. Under the evolution model true believers would support or accept things like racial cleansing, genocide, animal extinction, global warming, pollution and overpopulation because they would fall into the category of “agents of change” that should eventually take life to ever-improving states of being. Are we supposed to believe that over billions of years this whole evolution thing worked like a charm but now gasoline engines, poachers and land developers have the capacity to crash the whole system? Can puny man do what the cataclysmic shifting of tectonic plates and meteorite collisions could not do? If someone truly believed in evolution wouldn’t they just relax, knowing that the fittest will survive and that organisms will just decide to grow new limbs or develop gills or come up with cancer resistant systems or evolve into animals that thrive on pollution?
Do you see the problem? Observable science can’t quite mesh with such concepts. One minute we are told that the rain forests got here in spite of insurmountable odds and the next minute we are told that they are soon to disappear and must be saved. Evolution says millions of species have survived and even thrived throughout billions of years, ingeniously adapting and morphing, but observable science says that we need to manage our resources and take care of the plants and animals that populate our earth, because when we don’t they degenerate and become extinct. Wait a minute! That sounds familiar: “And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.” (Genesis 2:15 KJV)
I believe in a Creator who made an awesome habitat at just the right spot in the universe and then gave mankind the honor of taking care of it. My faith is strengthened as I observe His continued interaction with His creation, as he changes lives, heals bodies and even performs verifiable miracles. I guess I’d better do my part and help take care of the earth and, more importantly, God’s crowning creation -- people. After all, I don’t want to be a hypocrite.
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Friday, December 30, 2011

The evening air was crisp but not freezing. The hot chocolate was invitingly warm. Southbridge common was teeming with people who were there to celebrate Christmas. Santa rode in on his “sleigh” and heavenly carols brought tears to people’s eyes. Thanks to town council vice chair, Denise Clemence, and other organizers of “Holiday Visions” it was November 27th and we were already savoring Christmas.
Knowing that many businesses and people donated money and time to provide the rest of us with town decorations and family-friendly festivities made the experience even more special. Since I was attending with carolers from Acts II Ministries, Empower New England and two Prayer Groups that meet in Southbridge, I had an opportunity to say a few words to the crowd. We were the background entertainment so I’m not sure how many people heard what I said, but I was speaking my true convictions. I told them that Christmas is special to me because it is a celebration of the day peace came to earth.
I explained that I recently read a profound statement that prompted me to do some research. The statement was: “There were no major wars on earth while Jesus was alive”. A quick search of three online war lists seems to support that claim. One source listed the final prior to Christ’s birth was a Chinese war that ended in 22BC. The next war listed was between Rome and Britain in 43 AD. None of the lists recorded any wars listed during the years Christ was on earth. With so little research I can not say, authoritatively, that there were no wars, but there sure seems to have been a lull.
I can authoritatively declare what the most verified book in the world states concerning Jesus. The Bible says, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6) Jesus was God in flesh and He came to bring peace!
Unfortunately mankind responded to God’s love with the illegal and violent lynching of Jesus Christ. Ironically it was the cruel slaughter of Calvary that insured peace on earth. Jesus gave his life so that each human being could be redeemed. Now peace is available to every individual. If each person alive would choose Christ, there would be peace on earth. That is what will make heaven heaven – everyone there will have chosen Christ as their King and their Prince of Peace.
Like most people, I want peace on earth. Yet history is proving that godless governments cannot bring peace. Peace is not man-made, it is God-made. Peace comes from living life God’s way. Christmas is the time of year when we get a little taste of heaven – some Christmas peace. If you don’t have peace, maybe you have never really met the Christ child. Wise men still seek Him. He still gives peace to those who are humble enough to accept His invitation to be born again and enter into his Kingdom of Peace. World peace starts with individuals. This could be a landmark Christmas for you. Seek Christ this Christmas. Find that “peace, which exceeds anything we can understand.” (Philippians 4:7)
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Friday, December 23, 2011