Friday, July 25, 2014
Church Can Be
The view was exceptional. The food was attractive and tasty. The service was professional. The atmosphere was above average. My family had discovered a great new restaurant. We were willing to travel a good
ways and pay a little extra for an amazing evening of food and fellowship. I am already planning to go back. Now, we
have also been to some places that will never enjoy our return business because
they lacked such qualities. But, because
we know many restaurants do it right, we'll keep eating out. The same is true of churches. Not all churches do it right, but when they
do it is a tremendous treat for the human soul.
For centuries churches have been positive influences in
their communities. Christians have
changed and preserved their families and towns by heeding this advice: " Let us hold tightly without wavering to
the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep his promise. Let us
think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let
us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one
another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near." (Hebrews
10:23-25 NLT) A Bible-base, Spirit-led
church service can enhance our lives in many ways. Here are three ways a church service can
bless your life:
Church can be a Coronation - a time when God is revered and
worshipped. It can be a place where
people can feel His tangible presence. The Psalmist expressed it like this:
I long,
yes, I faint with longing to enter the courts of the LORD. With my whole being,
body and soul, I will shout joyfully to the living God.” (Psalm 84:2 NLT) Granted,
some may avoid church because it reminds them of who should be on the throne in
their life. But when we are willing to
let God take His place as King we are allowing Him to make us a part of His kingdom
and bless us like a King blesses His children.
Church can be an Oasis - a
place of refreshing and peace. When believers gather together to sing, worship
and learn God's ways they not only honor God, but God responds. It is not uncommon for true worshippers to
leave healed, forgiven and energized; they leave with fresh courage and
perspective. It is like a cool drink of
water that hydrates the inner man.
Believers go home better parents, employees and bosses. Strangers benefit. Cities are strengthened.
Church can be a Date - a chance to experience His presence and let
Him speak into your life. To show up for
a weekly rendezvous with God is to indicate just how much you care for
Him. He invites us and our response is
telling. When we eagerly seek a fresh
encounter with Him, He meets us there.
It is like meeting your date at the fine dining experience mentioned
above; you're not there for the pastor, the priest or the people who attend
with you. It can be a weekly commitment
that is the most meaningful and enriching appointment of your week.
Church can only do these things
if you show up. Have you been treating
Him like a King? Have you enjoyed a
reprieve from your hectic world? How
many dates have you shown up to lately?
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Friday, July 25, 2014

Friday, July 18, 2014
It Takes A Lifetime
to legend Pablo Picasso was once asked to draw a picture on a
napkin and promised payment for his impromptu art. Picasso whipped out a pen and
quickly sketched a woman's head and shoulders.
He then handed his creation to the man who made the offer and said, “One
million dollars, please.”
million dollars?” the guy exclaimed. “That only took you thirty seconds!”
said Picasso. “But it took me fifty years to learn how to draw that in thirty
Whether the story is accurate or not,
there is a lot of truth to the statement.
It takes a lifetime to learn some things; especially when it comes to
wisdom and values.
Pablo Picasso was born in Spain. His
father was a painter and a professor of art, and he taught his son from a very
young age. Eventually others recognized
his genius. Today Picasso is one of the more popular icons in art today. In 1932 he painted "Green Leaves and
Bust". It was part of a collection
owned by Mrs. Sidney F. Brody which sold for $104,482, 500, in 2010, at an
auction at Christie's in NYC, making it the most expensive painting ever sold
at auction. (JustLuxe) He became a master, but it took him a lifetime to get
This principle explains why we would be wise to listen to
our elders. Some people actually learn
from their mistakes. Listen just to see if maybe somebody's bumps and bruises
produced a little wisdom. This wisdom is more valuable than one might imagine.
This lesson has been hard-learned throughout world history. For example, the third king of Israel was
Solomon. He was considered the wisest
man who had ever lived and his kingdom was incredibly prosperous. When he died his son assumed the throne, but
instead of taking the kingdom forward on the advice of his father's counselors
he chose to listen to the young bucks.
He tanked; an all-too-familiar pattern.
Not everyone who is older is wiser, but so many of our
elders have more to offer than we might suspect. If you are in need of advice, find someone whose
life exhibits goodness and see what they have to say. Seek counsel in places like the Bible, where
God, the ultimate elder, shares his wisdom.
Such insights are treasures; after all it took them a lifetime to come
to those conclusions.
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Friday, July 18, 2014

Friday, July 11, 2014
It's God's Fault
friend mine told me about the day he walked into his local bank and cheerfully
greeted the tellers. After they responded in kind, one of them commented,
"Whenever you come in here the whole room lights up. How is it that you are always so happy?" Truth be told, my friend had not always been
a happy person. In fact, at one time his
life was very troubled and his lifestyle had almost killed him. So, what changed? Why was he so happy?
am certain that, if asked, he would say it was all God's fault. You see, my friend's life had taken him to
such desperate places that, although he did not consider himself to be religious,
he began praying to for God for help.
God used a co-worker to lead him to a group of people who were able to
help him experience the same thing experienced by the Jewish song writer who
put it this way:
"Oh, what joy for those whose disobedience is forgiven,
whose sin is put out of sight! Yes, what joy for those whose
record the LORD has cleared of guilt, whose lives are lived in complete
honesty! When
I refused to confess my sin, my body wasted away, and I groaned all day long. Day and
night your hand of discipline was heavy on me. My strength evaporated like
water in the summer heat. Finally, I confessed all my sins
to you and stopped trying to hide my guilt. I said to myself, 'I will confess
my rebellion to the LORD.' And you forgave me! All my guilt is gone." (Psalms
32:1-5 NLT)
Real joy does not come from education, riches
or achievement. This is easily
illustrated by noting the high rate of divorce, addiction and suicide in the
lives of the rich and the famous. Real
joy comes from having a deep sense of peace and wholeness. Real joy comes from knowing that our hearts
are right with our Maker. But most of us
would admit we are imperfect; we have offended God and people. All of us know we have done things we should
not have done. Only God can relieve us
of these weights. If we find true,
lasting peace it will be God's fault.
Ironically, we sometimes run from the very
thing we desire. Sometimes we sabotage a
life of joy because we refuse to leave our comfort zone. This was the case for an entire town that
Jesus visited. Upon his arrival he
encountered a man who was so violent and troubled that he lived naked in the caves
of the cemetery. When Jesus delivered
this man, his neighbors found him clothed and in his right mind. However,
the demons that had troubled this man had been ordered into a herd of
swine, who promptly committed suicide.
The townspeople were so troubled by the death of the pigs that they
overlooked the miracle of the changed life; "the crowd began pleading with Jesus to go away and leave
them alone." (Mark 5:17 NLT) Isn't
it strange how we often run from the things that will help us the most?
has provided a path to peace and joy. He
invites everyone to simply come to Him, confess their sins, and ask
forgiveness. He invites everyone to be
baptized in His name in order to have their sins washed away. And He has promised His Spirit to those who
seek Him. Those who have received the
Holy Spirit will agree that it is "joy unspeakable and full of
glory." That joy is a gift from God
- it's all His fault.
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Friday, July 11, 2014

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