Friday, September 08, 2023


The Blame Game

 Politicians are universally despised; Especially those who cheat, break laws and then blame their opponents for all the problems they helped cause. It has become so prevalent that many are commenting that when a politician makes an accusation you can be sure they are doing the very thing they are accusing their opponent of doing. It’s the blame game, and it seems to work. Voters are many times more angry at the person being blamed than they are at the people misbehaving. 


The blame game has been the MO of the devil for all of mankind’s history. Incredibly, it continues to work in the court of public opinion. Here’s the strategy: 

·      Satan finds and exploits human weakness. He inspires someone to do something evil or selfish. 

·      Others are abused, robbed or even destroyed. 

·      The Devil gets people to say something like, “If there is a good God then how come so much evil is in the world.


Please notice that God neither inspired nor did the evil for which He is being blamed. All He did was allow mankind free will. In fact the same people who blame God for not doing anything to fix evil would be irate if God made them do anything. Furthermore, most of those people won’t even take the time-proven good advice that God has given for overcoming evil. For example, most evil would be extinct if all mankind would simply obey the ten commandments. You see, the devil is using the loophole of “free will.” Since God refuses to be a dictator, and since He allows mankind the freedom of living their life however they choose, He often gets blamed for things in which He has no part. 


Here's a fresh recommendation I dare you to try: Begin blaming God for that which He is really responsible. Blame Him for a fruitful earth, beautiful sunrises and the joy of a new baby.  Blame Him for giving us a book that has predicted everything that has and is happening in human history, with instructions on how to survive and thrive in spite of evil. Blame Him for coming and dying for those who want to live in His Kingdom forever.  Blame him for the many people whose lives are marked by honesty and integrity, because He gives them His power to do so. Blame Him for the people who have established hospitals and given their lives for freedom, because He helped them live sacrificial lives. 


Maybe your world had more than its share of people who steal, kill and destroy, like the devil inspires them to do. You won’t find God‘s fingerprints on that, but you can find His comfort if you will talk to Him about it. The supreme court of the universe will eventually sort out who is good and who is evil. Meanwhile, there are many people who have seen through the blame game. Many believers have recognized that every good gift comes from God, and they have chosen to join His cause. If enough people can stop being deceived and embrace that blessed life God intends people to live, there will be no need to blame anyone. Mankind is being conned by a devil who has been using the blame game for thousands of years. If enough people wise up, they could put the devil out of work. That is why heaven will be how it has been described; it will be populated by people who refused to blame God for evil and choose to live the good life He has made possible.

Friday, September 01, 2023



“What do you want to be when you grow up?” Julie asked her teenage friends.  The answers were immediate: “I want to be an actress… I want to be a millionaire…I want to be a pop artist…  I’m moving out of this little town to the city.” Each of them expressed their desire to finally live a life that was in some way more remarkable than the one they now lived. Life is a gift. Living a good life takes a great deal of intentional effort.  Living a remarkable life is a dream of many and an ideal others dare not hope for. Shakespeare said, “Nothing is so common as to want to be remarkable.” 


In the course of human history there are some names that are remarkable.  Names like Noah, Abraham, Moses and David for example.  What made their lives remarkable? How did their lives end up being so influential? Was it what the things our minds typically think of that made them a success?


So, what makes a life truly remarkable? Our culture, coupled with human nature, often convince us that in order to be remarkable we must be rich, famous, talented… That is why so many people flock to venues such as sports, music and acting. They are hoping to make it big. They are hoping to become famous - noticed. They are wanting someone to recognize their worth. But consider these statistics about show business, shared by Rebecca Rosen in The Atlantic

The general consensus is that a very small percentage of actors make it big. This number remains close to Samuel Arbesman's calculations in which only 0.04% of the overall acting population become famous. In reality, it could be even less. Currently, A-Listers make up about 0.0002% of SAG-AFTRA members…. 

According to the Guardian, only 2 percent of actors earn a living from acting, and something like 0.0086% of the world is famous. 


When fame is not available to make someone feel remarkable, they sometimes seek riches, achievement, or even notoriety for doing something evil. Take for example those who play the lottery. They are hoping for a windfall. It is interesting to note that even a windfall can “fall” short of delivering.  For example, it was reported that only 6 of the 21 “Dream Home” winners spent more than a year in their prized home. They could not afford the taxes. It was not the cure-all they expected.


God has long offered an abundant life. It is available to all. Those who accept His offer experience affirmation and recognition from God Himself. When God affirms, He can make any life remarkable and fulfilling.  This is how Jesus put it in John 10:10 (MSG): I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. When someone makes a genuine commitment to God, He will affirm them and bless them in remarkable ways. They may not be the ways society calls remarkable… His ways are even better. That is why, after all of human history, and many millennia of anti-God propaganda, people are still finding rich and full lives through relationships with God. He is What, or Who, makes ones’ life truly remarkable!


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