Sunday, July 14, 2024


God is an Abolitionist

 An article published by Cornel University explains:

In the 1830s, American abolitionists, led by Evangelical Protestants, gained momentum in their battle to end slavery. Abolitionists believed that slavery was a national sin, and that it was the moral obligation of every American to help eradicate it from the American landscape by gradually freeing the slaves and returning them to Africa.


Here are some interesting facts about Abolitionists:

·      Rhode Island Quakers, associated with Moses Brown, were among the first in America to free slaves. Benjamin Rush was another leader, as were many Quakers. John Woolman gave up most of his business in 1756 to devote himself to campaigning against slavery along with other Quakers.

·      The State of Vermont, an independent Republic after the American Revolution, became the first sovereign state to abolish slavery in the 1780s


According to the movement picked up steam as follows:

1807 - Britain passes Abolition of the Slave Trade Act, outlawing British Atlantic slave trade. United States passes legislation banning the slave trade, effective from start of 1808. 1811 - Spain abolishes slavery, including in its colonies, though Cuba rejects ban and continues to deal in slaves. 1813 - Sweden bans slave trading 1814 - Netherlands bans slave trading 1817 - France bans slave trading, but ban not effective until 1826 1833 - Britain passes Abolition of Slavery Act, ordering gradual abolition of slavery in all British colonies.


The abolition movement continued to gain momentum under the leadership of people like William Wilberforce in Great Britain and William Lloyd Garrison, John Brown, Harriet Tubman and Fredrick Douglas in America. These people hated slavery and they called it out. Eventually, the Civil War helped break the back of slavery in America, and President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed emancipation of slaves with effect from January 1, 1863


Sin is a form of slavery. Sin is not fun stuff that God and your parents don’t want you to do. Sin consists of choices that separate mankind from God and violate the moral laws that God established.

God does not hate sinners. He hates sin, because sin is its own punishment. Addictions destroy families, minds and bodies. Infidelity destroys relationships. Murder destroys lives. Theft and violence destroy societies, including the lives and families of the perpetrators. God hates sin because sin enslaves. That is why so many believers are anti-sin. Sin is slavery of the worst kind; It enslaves minds, wills, emotions and eternal souls. 


But the slavery of sin can be broken! God hated sin so much that he became a man and died to set mankind free. God is an abolitionist. Those who are fortunate enough to grasp this amazing mindset no longer think of sin of something to give up… they think of sin as something to escape. When they let God help them escape, they enjoy real freedom. 


The Bible says that every time a sinner repents, heaven rejoices (Luke 15:7), because God is an Abolitionist.


Saturday, July 06, 2024


A Pleasant Surprise

 Who doesn’t love a pleasant surprise? It is always a treat to discover that something is better off than it first appears. Usually, the pleasant surprise is possible because someone or something that is not in the limelight is quietly taking care of something others may have forgotten; like the mothers that are quietly teaching their children manners, or the citizens that are faithfully paying their taxes and obeying the laws that make all our lives better. Sometimes all the noise and propaganda swirling around us convinces us that the whole world has taken leave of common sense and common decency. How refreshing it is when someone discovers that not everyone has bought into the craziness. 


Such was the case with the Jewish prophet Elijah, when he spoke up against the evil of his day. This brave believer challenged King Ahab, Queen Jezebel, and their godless administration to a contest that would prove who of them was serving the true, living God. Elijah’s prayers triggered a drought, brought fire down from heaven, and then caused it to rain. The king and queen’s god, Baal, was unresponsive. Elijah’s God was the clear winner!


Still, the stubborn king, queen and subjects refused to repent and live by God’s morals and values. As a result, Elijah entered a dark time in his life. He told God, “I have zealously served the LORD God Almighty. But the people of Israel have broken their covenant with you, torn down your altars, and killed every one of your prophets. I am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me, too.” (I Kings 19:14 nlt) That is when God revealed to Elijah that there were seven thousand other Israelis that were still being faithful to Him. What a pleasant surprise!


There are people in our day who love God and His values. However, from all the “stuff” broadcast in the public square it might seem like most people think God is dead… like everyone is living for immediate gratification… or like peace and hope are ideals of the past. Thankfully, upon closer inspection, that does not seem to be the true state of the world – at least in our neck of the woods. In a recent interview on The Daily Signal, long-term pollster and New York Times bestselling author and speaker, Scott Rasmussen, said, “My favorite polling question every year is about New Year’s Eve. Most people are shocked to learn that more Americans pray than drink on New Year’s Eve. Now, that’s because a lot of Americans pray every day. It’s not because they’re out there just on that one day.”


What a pleasant surprise to discover that many Americans still pray every day. What a pleasant surprise to know that there are still many people who are reaching out to their loving God on a regular basis. It makes a person want to blow on those embers and see if we can’t bring that hope and love more to the center or our society. Maybe there are more people praying that we have imagined. That would be the most pleasant of surprises!

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