Friday, April 24, 2009


Are Christians Paranoid?

As a child I had the great privilege of sitting in church and listening to knowledgeable speakers from all over the world give rousing speeches on what was going to happen in the future, as predicted by the Bible. I heard about: a one-world government, a one-world religion that was tolerant of everything but Christianity, a one-world currency, and a coming financial system that would require everyone to be “marked” in order to by or sell. The latter prediction went something like this: One of these days the whole world will be led by a man who will be able to control everyone by refusing to let them do business without being a part of the world system of government.” This teaching was based on Scripture passages such as the one below:
Many people dismissed the above theories as paranoia. It was all so Orwellian. I remember the scorn and skepticism encountered by those like my parents who dared believe such “nonsense”. Skeptics would query, “How in the world could a single government be able to keep track of every single person on the planet, and how would they get countries like Russia to get on board?” Others wondered, “If we can’t even get Pentecostals and Lutherans to agree on things, how would it be possible to get Hindus, Muslims and Christian to agree on anything?”

Today, however, the once-predicted developments are almost universally accepted as inevitable. U.S. presidents talk about a “New World Order”, or being a “citizen of the world.” At every turn one can see the world predicted in scripture coming into view. Below are three prime examples.
It turns out those “crazy preachers” weren’t paranoid - they were spot on! A world system is unfolding just as they predicted. That scares some folks, but maybe there is a bright side to all of this. If the Bible has been proven true in these matters, then we can be confident in the rest of its message. The same Bible that predicted a one-world government predicted that many people would become believers during this period of time. True believers have no need to be paranoid, because they are living by the Book that keeps getting proved right -- a Book that tells of God’s great love. And “perfect love casteth out fear:” (1 John 4:18 KJV)

Friday, April 10, 2009


How To Achieve Immortality?

In her book Distracted, Maggie Jackson refers to a freakish and eerie display in the main building of University College London. The display is the frock-cloaked skeleton and wax head of a political philosopher by the name of Jerry Bentham, who died in 1832 at eighty-four years of age. For many years his real head, which had been mangled at an unsuccessful mummification attempt, lay at the foot of the skeleton

“Per his stipulation, Bentham sits in his own straight-back chair, his favorite walking stick resting on his knees, gazing back at gawkers from a glass-fronted wooden box, an eerie testimony to his faith in the power of permanent visibility in all realms… not surprisingly, the social critic and legal reformer had bigger plans for his auto-icon than resting quietly in a case like a preserved butterfly. Along with leaving detailed instructions for his corpse’s public dissection by his personal physician and for the subsequent preservation of his body, Bentham decreed in his will that his auto-icon should be brought to meetings of his friends and followers ‘to be stationed in such part of the room as to the assembled company seem meet.’ In 2004, the auto-icon attended a university retirement party.” (Distracted. Maggie Jackson, p.127-128)

I think it is safe to say that Mr. Bentham was one of those people who was looking for some way to make his life count beyond the grave. He, like many others was seeking immortality. Many have attempted to achieve immortality through acting, writing, donating, ruling, doing suicide missions, breaking performance records, etc. But, alas, although some of them managed to be remembered by subsequent generations, they have not truly achieved immortality.

There is only one historical figure who has achieved immortality and then returned from the grave to demonstrate that He had done so -- Jesus Christ. He predicted: his death, the kind of execution he would experience, the number of days he would be dead and the time he would return from death. Jesus Christ didn’t just talk about immortality, He achieved it. His death and resurrection were so evident that neither Rome nor the Jewish leaders of His day could prove otherwise. It was this undeniable proof that transformed his disciples from cowards to martyrs. They were willing to die because they had witnessed their Master conquer death.

After demonstrating His authority over death, Jesus invited anyone who would believes to follow Him into immortality. The Bible says, “Christ has been raised from the dead. He is the first of a great harvest of all who have died. So you see, just as death came into the world through a man, now the resurrection from the dead has begun through another man. Just as everyone dies because we all belong to Adam, everyone who belongs to Christ will be given new life.” (I Corinthians 15:21-22 NLT)

How does it work? That’s what people asked St. Peter. He answered like this:
“Each of you must repent of your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 2:38 NLT)

St. Paul explained it like this: a believer dies to themselves, is buried with Christ in baptism (that is why we baptize in Jesus name), and then rises to a newness of life by receiving the Holy Spirit. (Romans 6:4)

Jesus described this process as being born again. (John 3:5) When you become a Christian, you are born into God’s kingdom – a kingdom where you live even after you die. That’s how to achieve immortality!

Friday, April 03, 2009


The Greatest Bailout In History

Everybody’s talking about it. Some think it will save our economy; others think it will ruin it. It has been referred to as a “bailout”, but since that word has so many negative connotations, it has quickly become politically incorrect to refer to the massive governmental interventions using that term. By now, I’m sure most people are realizing this is not really a bailout – it is a deferred crisis. While some segments of economy may be temporarily energized, much of the money will be spent on ideological or pet projects and the entire population will be paying through the nose for decades to come. The recent congressional spending craze has been likened to “The New Deal” which comforted the public during the time of depression, but did not salvage the economy. Like me, you may be wondering, “How do politicians get away with the same sleight of hand decade after decade?” It appears that they are wise to human nature; they recognize that everyone is hoping for someone to step forward and save them. Everyone wants a Savior.

Ironically, the greatest bailout in history has already taken place and many folks are missing out on, and sometimes even refusing, it’s benefits. I am referring to a genuine bailout; in this case the beneficiaries don’t pay a thing! We will soon be celebrating a holiday that marks the anniversary of “the bailout of all bailouts” to which I refer. On Good Friday we will commemorate the day Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God, paid your debt of sin in full. On the day Christ was brutally murdered by the politically correct establishment, He bailed you out and gave you an invitation to claim your gift of eternal life. He laid down His life so you could pick up yours. You have been offered life and that more abundant. (John 10:10)

“What’s the catch?” you may ask. There is no “catch,” but there is a sifting process – a process that God put in place. He doesn’t arbitrarily give forgiveness and eternal life to everyone. He responds only to those who will admit that Jesus is God, and who will obey Him as if He is God. Did you notice the sieve? If we accept his Him as Savior we must also accept Him as Lord. Salvation is free, but it requires someone to take up the lifestyle that comes with it. The lifestyle is healthier in every way and the bailout is forever! It’s that simple. There is not smarter move in the world.

God’s bailout was a brilliant plan. According to Scripture, one day everyone will admit that God and His plan are the greatest: “At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord… (Philippians 2:10-11 TLB) Today you have a bottom-floor opportunity. You can sign up by being “born again.” Then you can enjoy the benefits of clean living as you prepare for your life in heaven. You’ll want to take advantage of this bailout.

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