Friday, April 03, 2009


The Greatest Bailout In History

Everybody’s talking about it. Some think it will save our economy; others think it will ruin it. It has been referred to as a “bailout”, but since that word has so many negative connotations, it has quickly become politically incorrect to refer to the massive governmental interventions using that term. By now, I’m sure most people are realizing this is not really a bailout – it is a deferred crisis. While some segments of economy may be temporarily energized, much of the money will be spent on ideological or pet projects and the entire population will be paying through the nose for decades to come. The recent congressional spending craze has been likened to “The New Deal” which comforted the public during the time of depression, but did not salvage the economy. Like me, you may be wondering, “How do politicians get away with the same sleight of hand decade after decade?” It appears that they are wise to human nature; they recognize that everyone is hoping for someone to step forward and save them. Everyone wants a Savior.

Ironically, the greatest bailout in history has already taken place and many folks are missing out on, and sometimes even refusing, it’s benefits. I am referring to a genuine bailout; in this case the beneficiaries don’t pay a thing! We will soon be celebrating a holiday that marks the anniversary of “the bailout of all bailouts” to which I refer. On Good Friday we will commemorate the day Jesus Christ, The Lamb of God, paid your debt of sin in full. On the day Christ was brutally murdered by the politically correct establishment, He bailed you out and gave you an invitation to claim your gift of eternal life. He laid down His life so you could pick up yours. You have been offered life and that more abundant. (John 10:10)

“What’s the catch?” you may ask. There is no “catch,” but there is a sifting process – a process that God put in place. He doesn’t arbitrarily give forgiveness and eternal life to everyone. He responds only to those who will admit that Jesus is God, and who will obey Him as if He is God. Did you notice the sieve? If we accept his Him as Savior we must also accept Him as Lord. Salvation is free, but it requires someone to take up the lifestyle that comes with it. The lifestyle is healthier in every way and the bailout is forever! It’s that simple. There is not smarter move in the world.

God’s bailout was a brilliant plan. According to Scripture, one day everyone will admit that God and His plan are the greatest: “At the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord… (Philippians 2:10-11 TLB) Today you have a bottom-floor opportunity. You can sign up by being “born again.” Then you can enjoy the benefits of clean living as you prepare for your life in heaven. You’ll want to take advantage of this bailout.

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