Friday, July 29, 2022



 Angie opened her eyes slowly, adjusting to the bright light that flooded through her window. She felt like she had been run over by a Mac truck. As she took in her surroundings, she saw monitor wires taped to her chest, IV lines that that had been inserted into her veins, and a catheter that was working to keep her digestive system working. She felt like Gulliver, strapped down to her hospital bed. Suddenly she jerked, as the intermittent compression devices, strapped to her calves, started to message her legs. It felt good. But her head ached, her throat hurt, and she hated feeling doped up.


“Oh, you’re up,” the nurse observed, “I’ll get the doctor.”


She closed her eyes. The next thing she knew, a middle-aged man wearing a white frock and stethoscope roused her from her slumber by gently touching her shoulder. “Angie, I’m Doctor Ryso. Do you think you are up to a short conversation about your situation?”


“Yes.” she responded groggily, “What happened to me? Why am I here?”


“You had a heart attack, and we had to do a Coronary angioplasty.”


“Do you mean I have a bad heart?” she queried, wrinkling her brow.


“No.” he explained, “Your heart is good. All of your other major organs are fine as well. But you had two clogged arteries.  We inserted a tiny balloon catheter into your blood vessels to help widen them and improve blood flow to the heart. We feel like the procedure solved the problem. Now you just need some rest and recuperation time.” 


Our bodies are amazing, but something as seemingly insignificant as a few clogged blood vessels can be debilitating or even fatal. The same is true with our spiritual heart. Without a flow of God’s love and grace we are in danger of being overcome by things like doubt, fear, bitterness, or self-righteousness. If we get “clogged up” our spiritual health is at risk. When we feel unloved and unloving, it is a sure indicator that something is clogged up.


The same is true with the body of Christ. God designed the church so that his grace would flow, like blood, through every member of the body. When a body member restricts God’s flow, the whole body suffers. We, as members of His body can get clogged up with things like offense, stubbornness, shame, and guilt. When grace stops “flowing,” others are affected, and the body does not function the way it was designed to function. We can stay unclogged and flowing by daily prayer in which we die to our will and live to His. If we stay teachable and obedient, we will allow God to flow through the body and keep it healthy.

Friday, July 22, 2022


A Problem God Can't Solve

 It is often said that the two most difficult things to do in life are to climb a fence that is leaning toward you or kiss a woman who is leaning away from you. A third difficulty that ranks up at the top would be: to help someone who does not want help. As a minister, I routinely offer information or advice that is rejected, out of hand, by those who feel that it would be weak or an admission of inferiority to accept help. Others reject help because they don’t even realize they need it. It is extremely frustrating when the helper knows their motive is simply to help, but the potential recipient’s actions indicate that they think the helper is doing anything but trying to help. This is a problem that God, Himself, cannot solve. 


Here is a true story to illustrate this point: 

He (Jesus) left there and returned to his hometown. His disciples came along. On the Sabbath, he gave a lecture in the meeting place. He made a real hit, impressing everyone. “We had no idea he was this good!” they said. “How did he get so wise all of a sudden, get such ability?” But in the next breath they were cutting him down: “He’s just a carpenter—Mary’s boy. We’ve known him since he was a kid. We know his brothers, James, Justus, Jude, and Simon, and his sisters. Who does he think he is?” They tripped over what little they knew about him and fell, sprawling. And they never got any further. Jesus told them, “A prophet has little honor in his hometown, among his relatives, on the streets he played in as a child.” Jesus wasn’t able to do much of anything there—he laid hands on a few sick people and healed them, that’s all. He couldn’t get over their stubbornness. He left and made a circuit of the other villages, teaching. (Mark 6:1-6 MSG)


Jesus was God manifest in the flesh, but he could not help people in his own hometown. The reason God cannot solve the problem is because He has relinquished each person’s destiny into their own control. If someone does not want help – even divine help – they have a right to proceed through life unhelped, unhealed and unhappy. The real issue is pride, and the only solution is humility. So, you and I can solve a problem God cannot solve, just by humbly accepting the help God sends our way. Most of the time He uses other people to help us. 


It is the privilege of every child of God to watch for opportunities to be used of Him to help those who are willing to be helped. Use your gifts generously. Don’t take it personally when your help is spurned. Just keep believing, like God does, that a few good-hearted people will respond appropriately and enjoy the blessings and miracles that follow. It is when a good-hearted person, with a need, and a good-hearted person, with a God-given gift, come together, that a little heaven touches earth. That is what happened when Jesus walked the earth and that is still what happens when His body on earth lets their gifts flow on behalf of those who are humble enough to receive God’s blessings.


Friday, July 15, 2022


Organized Religion

 I don’t know if I can believe in organized sports because there have been multiple accounts in which athletes have used performance-enhancing drugs, and coaches knew about it. Besides that, team owners have been convicted of financial improprieties and coaches have been jailed for sexual abuse. Then there is the cheating, and the violence of many fans. Maybe we should all just stay home?


I don’t know if I can believe in organized medicine because some doctor groups have caused health care prices to go up. Then there are the many doctors who have been sued for malpractice. I have heard tell that there are hospitals being mismanaged and HR departments that have been accused of sexism and racism. Besides all that, I have had relatives who died because of poor care in the hospital. So maybe I should just stay away from organized medicine?


I don’t know if I can believe in organized education because it is a fact that many institutions have approved textbooks that were later proven to be inaccurate. In addition to that, millions of students get bullied at school. Then there are the teachers who have been convicted of child abuse. And we all know people who have graduated with degrees but didn’t know the material - because they had basically partied the whole time they attended, then cheated on tests. Not to mention the schools that charge for bogus degrees. So, maybe we shouldn’t do the organized education thing?


You get the point. It is impossible to “organize” any group of people without having some mess. Yet, when it comes to being involved in a faith-based movement, many still rely on the tired excuse, “I don’t believe in organized religion, because...” As demonstrated above, such reasoning isn’t really fair. Furthermore, for someone to think they can make it all by themselves, without any help, makes one wonder if they think they are better than all the other fallible human beings.  


I have never seen someone who refuses to be a part of a larger body of believers be successful in brining others to Christ without organized religion, because once they start to disciple one other person, they have just organized. Jesus did the original organizing of the church, and the Bible reveals that his leadership team was flawed. 


I have been part of a local church and an organization all my life. I have seen the human elements. But I have watched as God used organize believes to love others and pray miracles into existence. I don’t believe in organized religion, but I believe believers should come together in an all-out effort to take the good news to every hamlet and village. The Gospel is good news that brings peace to people’s hearts, and the challenges of working together as a large group of people are worth the risks.  

Friday, July 08, 2022


Gas Your Plants

 Puzzled at the repugnant odor polluting the early morning air, Jerome slows from a jog to a shuffle, then to a complete stop in front of his neighbor’s picket fence. Spotting Jim with a watering can, he breaks the silence. “He neighbor, beautiful morning, isn’t it?”


“Wonderful!” replies Jim.


“Say,” continues Jerome, “do you smell that? It smells like gasoline.”


“Yeah,” Jim replies, smiling from ear to ear. “I decided to step out of my boring life, so I joined the ‘Gas Your Plants Club.‘ It’s online and we now have several thousand members. There’s a whole movement of intellectuals, doctors, lawyers, politicians, and celebrities that have started hydrating their gardens with gasoline instead of water. I am the first on our block!”


“But, Jim, you know it will kill your plants, don’t you?” Jerome queried with wrinkled brow.


Jim clears his throat as if offended and boldly retorts, “See for yourself. This is the second day I’ve done this, and my plants are doing just fine - thank you very much. I get so tired of judgmental, straight-laced people telling me how to care for my own garden. I am more of a free thinker and I’m through kau-towing to societal norms.”


“I like to try new things too,” counters Jerome, “but this isn’t a philosophical or intellectual issue; you are defying the laws of nature.” But Jerome, realizing Jim had turned his back on him and shut him out as he continued sprinkling gasoline on his garden, saves his breath. As he resumes his jog, he ponders the situation. If Jim wants to kill his garden, that is his choice, but what happens when that gasoline seeps into other yards, and into the water table? 


A week later Jerome once again slows his pace as he approaches his neighbor’s picket fence. This time he hears sobbing and sees Jim slumping over his garden. “Are you ok,” he inquires?


“No, I’m not ok,” barks Jim, “can’t you see my garden is ruined? I am so angry at God. How could he allow this to happen? If He were a good God, wouldn’t He have kept my garden alive? My wife and I save money by eating the vegetables. I am a victim!”


“But Jim,” reasons Jerome, “didn’t I warn you? You can’t expect God to suspend the laws of nature just because you are bored with good gardening practices. You can’t just invent your own laws of nature.”


“There you go, judging me again,” complains Jim. “I’ll show you. I’m going to replant, and my next garden will be better than ever. This time, I’m using diesel.”


A word to the wise: Just like Jim will never succeed in growing a garden if he continues to ignore agricultural laws of nature, none of us can succeed in life when breaking the moral laws of nature. When people or societies abandon moral laws in the name of innovation and cutting-edge societal evolution, they always get the same results; death and disappointment. This is a matter of historical record. Regardless of creed or political stripe, moral violations eventually kill families, promote societal violence and drive things like slothfulness and inflation. It’s not a matter of opinion, philosophy, or religion; it is a matter of acknowledging the moral laws of the universe. There are consequences, and we can’t say God didn’t warn us. 


The good news is, people like Jim can plant a new garden, water it with fresh water, and enjoy a good crop. Likewise, people and societies can always embrace healthy moral practices and enjoy a better world. 

Friday, July 01, 2022


Undeserved Gifts

 They found her curled up in a hall closet, hidden behind a pile of dirty clothes. When the policeman opened the door, she winced and buried her head between her knees, shivering. 


“You are safe now,” he cooed. “We are the police. No one is going to hurt you anymore.” 


But, instead of relaxing, her six-year-old, emaciated frame shook even more noticeably. Every officer present quickly understood the child’s terror. Her house had obviously been in disarray for years. There were signs of violence and neglect everywhere. Her body bore the marks of abuse. Her parents had both been arrested on drug charges. And now, she was all alone.


“How would you like to go with us for a good hot lunch,” suggested the officer, eager to help the poor child. “What is your favorite food?” 


She relaxed a bit and mumbled, “Pizza, but why would you buy my lunch? You don’t know me. I haven’t earned it. My dad even said I was no good.”


Thus began a long process of trust-building conversations to help this abandoned child believe that there are good people in the world. Strangers who will do nice things and give you gifts, even if you have done nothing to earn their kindness. She could not believe someone would take her to dinner, just to be nice. She had never dared to believe she would ever be free to make her own decisions. The thought never crossed her mind that she actually had any value.


This little girl could represent so many people who have experienced a life of pain, neglect, and abuse. Years of imprisonment in a loveless situation have, understandably, caused many to become hard and skeptical. Life has taught them that they are not worthy. People have treated them so poorly that they feel worthless. Then, when someone comes along and offers them grace (undeserved favor), they react with suspicion and fear. They have an even harder time believing that there is a good God who offers a heavenly home to those who will let Him be their God. It sounds too good to be true. 


But the Good News of the Gospel is not just the news that all sins can be forgiven; it is news that Jesus wants to join His spirit to yours and give you all the internal love and power you need to live an abundant life. God not only forgives; He gives free gifts to all His children. Just by believing and obeying God, someone can move from being alone and rejected to being an integral part of the greatest endeavor of all time. They can move from being derided to being affirmed. They can leave their closet and enjoy blessings unlike they have ever known. 


The enemy accuses, berates and controls. God affirms, blesses, and sets people free to be the best they can be. God gives obedient believers meaningful roles in His kingdom. He does wonderful works, through them - and all of this is on His dime. It is not because we are good; it is because He is righteous and good and loving. He uses the imperfect, the wounded, the intimidated…All they have to do is learn to accept and give His great grace. What a difference when someone is inspired by grace.

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