Friday, December 08, 2006


Happy Holy Days

Tis the season to proclaim “Happy Holidays!” What, exactly, does that mean? Is it an expression used to skirt the use of words like “Christmas” or “Easter?” Is it an expression that means: “enjoy laying around, watching football, and eating too much?” Or, could it be a meaningful and inspirational expression?

A simple exploration of any dictionary or lexicon will reveal that the word “holiday” originated from the two words “holy” “days.” These holy days were days set aside to commemorate holy events such as the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The fact that most Americans still celebrate these holy days in some fashion gives hope that there are still a few days left in the year that could be dedicated to making the world a better place.

Many ideas may spring to mind when something is referred to as holy. For believers, the word “holy” triggers thoughts of a wonderful, loving God and all His attributes. But, what makes a day holy? How does our Holy God convey his love and goodness to mankind?

The answer to these questions is demonstrated in the life of Christ. He loved mankind so much that He “made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. (Philippians 2:7-8 KJV) Jesus’ contemporaries didn’t understand Him because He didn’t seem religious enough. He was a bit short on pomp and ritual. His brand of “holy” entailed healing the sick and eating with publicans and sinners. Isn’t it true that his actions prove that the holiness of God is not best demonstrated through religious activity, but through expressions of love and kindness?

We need times of corporate worship and prayer, but then we need to take it to the streets. Believers celebrate the love of God by sharing His love. The holidays are not meaningful because gifts are received, games are played, and stomachs are stuffed. Holidays are meaningful because they are days set aside to pause and reflect on the love of God and then spread it around as far as it will go.

During the holidays it is so heartening to see people retain the spirit of the season. Churches and non-profit organizations are to be commended for the practical ways in which they reach out to others during the holidays. We should all be grateful for the people in our lives who make an extra effort during this time of the year to facilitate family gatherings and celebrations that promote love. There is nothing more holy that a loving family, or a gift given to a stranger. No one could be given a more holy gift than the gift of forgiveness or reconciliation. When a family gathers together to give gifts and break bread, it can be a time of healing and restoration – that’s what Jesus brought to earth on the first Christmas. We are never more like Christ, or more holy, than when we are kind to a stranger, pray for the sick, visit those in prison, or communicate our love to a family member. Those are the kinds of activities that make a day “holy.”

I pray more and more people will recognize the value of keeping the “holy” in the holidays. Your actions will determine just how meaningful the greeting “happy holidays” can be. I trust the Christmas holidays will be bright spot in your life and in the lives of those you touch. Happy Holy Days!

In the spirit of the holidays Acts II Ministries is offering a free CD of Christian contemporary Christmas music to anyone who sends an email to When emailing, please provide a name and mailing address.

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