Friday, July 06, 2007


Everybody Is Spiritual

We are not in control of most things. Wars break out. Health fails. Accidents happen. Jobs terminate. Economies shift. Other people make choices that impact us. Governments and companies effect large populations. So often good or evil appears to intersect our life as a random blessing or misfortune that is, in great measure, beyond our control.

Some may view these realities as reason to dismiss the idea of a good God. Others may choose to give up trying, since so many things seem unchangeable. I see a silver lining. While there are many things out of our immediate jurisdiction, each of us has the power to control the most important thing in our life - our eternal destiny.

We each choose our ultimate future now by deciding what will motivate and control us -- today. Will we be moved and directed by good or by evil? Will we choose faith or fury? Will we choose to live life as God intended or as we see fit? The Good News is that what we call life is only the antechamber to real life. During our brief time on earth we have the privilege of choosing how we will spend eternity. We get to make the most important choice anyone ever makes concerning our life!

Someone might counter, “Well, that’s fine for you, but I’m not a spiritual person.” The fact is that we are all spiritual. Some of us are just more aware of how we are affected by good and evil. Every human being is an eternal personality in a human body. The body will not last, but the person inside will live forever. You are not flesh and bone; you are a spiritual being.

The computer is an interesting analogy of a human being. Electricity gives a computer life. Hardware is the body that houses the computer. All of the activity that happens as a result of the interaction of electricity and hardware constitutes a computer’s purpose or “personality.” For a computer to be a good, healthy and productive tool, a few key questions need to be considered:

Life is a gift given to all of us by God. We live in a body. Our mind, will, and emotions are what make us living souls. Our personality is the result of our spirit living in our body. If we want to be healthy and whole for eternity there are a few key questions that need to be considered:

Life is so much more positive when we focus on what we can change. We can change our attitudes, our thinking patterns, and our heart - those are spiritual issues that will impact our eternity. People who understand this concept work hard to care for the spiritual well-being of themselves and their loved ones. Spiritually aware people put their trust in God and do their best to take His advice. They pray, read the Bible and attend church services because they realize they are a spiritual being, and they want to make sure their “forever” is in God’s hands. One could pretend they are not spiritual but that wouldn’t make their eternal nature “go away,” it would only cause them to forfeit the only thing that they can really control – where they spend eternity.

Everybody is spiritual. People never die... that’s why we value their birth... that is why we treat them with respect. that is why we encourage them to take so much care as to how they prepare for the biggest part of their existence -- eternity.

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