Friday, August 24, 2007


Local Woman Stumbles Onto Treasure

Buried treasure and unexpected wealth have been the subject of many a daydream and fictional story. Most of us imagine such fortune, but don’t truly expect it to come our way. It can happen. I recently had the privilege of meeting a real person, who lives just a few miles from us, who stumbled on a real treasure a few years ago. My heart was warmed as this successful business-woman described her life-changing experience.

She began by telling me that her personal journey began in a good home and included a close relationship with God at a young age. She attended a very formal church and later married and joined another church that placed great emphasis on religious services, but little emphasis on Bible reading and personal prayer. She lived what others perceived to be a happy and successful life.

Then came the storms. Personal situations taxed her heart and emotions. People let her down. Although she had been faithful to God and her church, she felt like she was lacking the power and strength to face her situation. While alone one evening she began pouring out her heart to God; for hours she opened her soul and cried out to God for help. That is when she stumbled on the treasure. While praying she suddenly heard herself speaking in a language she did not understand. At first she thought she was dreaming. She had never seen this happen before and immediately she began to question the experience. In days to come this experience reoccurred, peaking her curiosity.

Taken back and wanting to be cautious about getting into something “weird”, she began seeking answers in the Bible. Her research revealed that “speaking in tongues” was a very valid and Biblical experience. She discovered that she had received the baptism of the Holy Spirit! The Book of Acts records that this experience took place in the lives of thousands of first century Christians, including the twelve disciples and Mary, the mother of Jesus. When Saint Peter explained the experience to inquisitive observers, he quoted an Old Testament prophet and reassured everyone that the experience was for them, their children, and everyone that God would call to Him. (Acts 2:16-17,38-39)

So, there you have it: This New England native, who attended a church that didn’t even mention this Biblical phenomenon, asked for the strength or power to face her troubles and God gave her an experience she didn’t understand. She has since continued to enjoy a deeper and more powerful relationship with God. She has come to realize that she stumbled on a treasure. When Saint Paul talked about someone having the Holy Spirit in them he described it as a “treasure in earthen vessels.” (II Corinthians 4:7) In another letter Saint Paul wrote: “A person who speaks in tongues is strengthened personally… I thank God that I speak in tongues more than any of you.” (I Corinthians 14:4,18 NLT) This woman had stumbled on the greatest treasure a person can find – God’s power within them.

Throughout history many Christians like the Waldenses, participants in the Great Awakenings (including many in New England), and the Shakers rediscovered this power that was made available to all believers just a few days after Jesus ascended into heaven. Today there are millions of Christians from almost every denomination who have experienced the joy of this great treasure. Maybe this is the kind of treasure for which your soul is longing.

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