Friday, August 24, 2007
Stairway to Heaven
Many readers may be familiar with the song Stairway to Heaven, but few may be aware that the Bible spoke of The Stairway to Heaven thousands of years ago -- the real Stairway to Heaven. The Stairway mentioned in Scripture is far more beautiful and powerful than the stairway Led sang about. Millions of people, worldwide, have sung about the Stairway to which I refer. Perhaps it’s time you joined the chorus.
Jesus, Himself, told us He was the “Stairway to Heaven.” When choosing His disciples He invited Nathaniel to join His team, and told him that he (supernaturally) saw him under a fig tree. When Nathaniel expressed his awe at Jesus’ supernatural power, Jesus said:
“Do you believe this just because I told you I had seen you under the fig tree? You will see greater things than this.” Then he said, “I tell you the truth, you will all see heaven open and the angels of God going up and down on the Son of Man, the one who is the stairway between heaven and earth.” (John 1:50-51 NLT)
Just as Jacob’s ladder (a type of Christ - Genesis 28) provided a way for angels to go between heaven and earth, the life of Jesus bridged the gap between heaven and earth. He came here so we could go there! He broke a barrier so we could pass from death to life John 5:24). By His incarnation (becoming a man), He became “The Stairway to Heaven.”
Below is a short list of scriptural references that teach this concept:
· He was the one-and-only God-man; He was virgin-born (Matthew 1:23).
· In Scripture Jesus is referred to many times as the Son of God and many other times as the Son of Man.
· God took on the form of man (Philippians 2:7), manifested Himself in flesh (I Timothy 3:16), and became the image of the invisible God (Colossians 1:15).
· He is called “The Way, the Truth and the Life,” (John 14:6) and He referred to Himself as the only door to eternal life (John 10:9).
· First century Christians were saved by calling on the name of the Lord (i.e. being baptized, calling on the name of Jesus – Acts 2:38, Acts 22:16).
· He promised to live in us (John 14:17-18) and Scripture declares that His Spirit in us will make it possible for us to be caught up to heaven when Christ returns (Romans 8:11).
Most people will admit their desire to go to heaven. Heaven is not earned; it is an awesome gift. God went out of His way to make it available to everyone. You have been invited to take that Stairway to Heaven. If you don’t know how there’s a great, self-guided online Bible study and a short video presentation available at Jesus Christ is the only one Stairway to Heaven, but He is accessible to anyone humble enough to do life God’s way. Go ahead, take the first step!
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