Monday, October 15, 2007


Call Me Anything You Please?

Just how important is a name? How important is your name -- to you? Would it bother you if people used your name to express disgust (e.g. “Oh, Randy! I smashed my thumb.”)? How about if people began calling you by your neighbor’s name? Would you have a problem with your employer making out your paycheck in someone else’s name? These ideas may sound ridiculous, but, sadly, this very concept was recently proposed by a prominent religious leader.

On August 15, 2007 MSNBC reported that “Bishop Tiny Muskens, from the southern diocese of Breda, told Dutch television on Monday that God did not mind what he was named and that in Indonesia, where Muskens spent eight years, priests used the word ‘Allah’ while celebrating Mass.”

This may be a creative approach to appeasing the Muslim community, but I see two problems:
1. Radical Muslims will not be satisfied.
2. God will be furious.

The same MSNBC article reports that Mr. Muskens went on to ask, “What does God care what we call him?” This is a shocking question for anyone who is even remotely familiar with the Holy Scripture. The Bible repeatedly declares that God will defend His name, and the following scriptures are only a sampling of the many Bible verses that tell us that the name of Jesus has been given the highest honor.

The name “Jesus” means “Jehovah is become our salvation.” Matthew 1:23 explains that Jesus was “God with us.” That makes His name extremely important. A simple reading of “The Book of Acts” (the fourth book of the New Testament) will clearly reveal how important Jesus’ name was to the early Christians who were “called by His name.” First-century believers baptized in Jesus name, healed people in Jesus name, cast out devils in Jesus name and, ultimately, died because they would not deny Jesus’ name. The disciples and company were not persecuted because they were religious, nor because they performed miracles-- they were persecuted because they stood by the name of Jesus and declared Him to be their Lord.

Millions of Christians throughout the ages, and throughout the world, have literally given their lives because they refused to deny Jesus’ name. It may be that our world culture will soon ask believers in all nations to deny His name. Staying true to His name may soon be politically incorrect -- even in “God blessed” America. If so, true followers of Christ will have the opportunity to underscore the significance, the beauty, and the power of His name, by holding to Scripture rather than scrambling to make a religious or political group happy. Let me invite you to join the many believers who have discovered the power in Jesus name.

Pray in His name and you will see results. Baptize in His name and He will claim you as one of His. Defend His name, and, because it will cost you, you will discover just how much Jesus means to you. One day every tongue will confess, but today you can be numbered among those who honor Jesus’ name out of a love and respect for their God and Savior.

A word to the wise: Call Him “Jesus,” because, according to Scripture, it just won’t work to call Him anything you please.

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