Friday, September 05, 2008


Understanding Evangelicals

Would you be offended if someone came to your door offering you a sweepstakes check for one million dollars? Would you feel imposed upon if you, as a cancer patient, had someone call you at home offering you a genuine cure for that cancer? Would you be angry with a co-worker who, uninvited, told you all about their latest experience at a Red Sox game, and then offered you tickets to join them at the next game?

My guess is that most of us would not be offended at any of those people mentioned above. I would venture to say that most of us would even welcome such an “intrusion.” Furthermore, we would be very happy that those people would care enough about us to make their way into our lives with such generous gifts.

Let’s explore the second scenario more thoroughly. Suppose someone really did find a cure for cancer. Do you think it would be ethically right for them to keep that cure to themselves? Wouldn’t they be morally obligated to share what they know with those who were dying? I think it is safe to say that most people would agree that such a person has an obligation to share their cure with the world, and that the world would be happy to have them share it.

Now you understand the motivation behind the group of people known as Evangelicals. As their name implies, they are people who feel obligated to tell others about the “Good News” of salvation. Evangelicals are Christians who have discovered a Savior -- the cure for eternal death. They have discovered the key to abundant life. They have personally experienced cures for physical, emotional and spiritual ailments, through faith in Christ. Naturally, they want to share their discoveries with the world.

If you have been offended by an Evangelical who aggressively shared their faith, it might be because you didn’t really understand what they were offering. Maybe you didn’t realize just how sick, afraid, lonely, hurting, or oppressed that person used to be before they discovered their new life in Christ. Maybe you didn’t stop to consider just how much love and selflessness it takes for someone to get vulnerable and offer hope to another person. Maybe you didn’t know that Evangelicals are not trying to win an argument, or get a following; they are offering a way to eternal life.

Think about it. Evangelicals have found the cure. They want to share the wealth. They want to see others made well. They want you to have the same experience as they will have at church this Sunday; when they invite you to worship with them, they are really offering you free tickets to something that will be more life-changing than any ball game could ever be.

Don’t you agree that it would be immoral for someone to withhold a life-saving cure which they have discovered? To keep silent would be to cheat those around them who are dying of a curable spiritual disease. Don’t be offended by Evangelicals. Find out what they have discovered that is powerful enough to cause them to risk rejection and ridicule just to save your life. When you discover the cure, you’ll understand.

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