Friday, March 06, 2009
Who Has The Right to Complain?
Wall Street was greedy. Executives lied and cheated. Politicians manipulated and sold out their constituents. Contracts were broken. Schools became dangerous. History was rewritten. Decency disappeared. It seems like the world is spinning out of control!
For America the problem is painfully simple. Over time, many Americans have chosen to change their basic value system. Every honest historian will tell you the same thing the engravings on our nation’s federal buildings and monuments declare – we are a nation that was founded under God. Our government was founded on the principles of the Ten Commandments - that’s a fact. It is incredible that we should seem so shocked that the building is crumbling when we have systematically allowed every branch of government to remove the very foundation of our country. We have no right to complain, if we did not resist this trend.
The truth is some of you may have complaining rights. If you have rejected the status quo morals of our day that allow for cheating on spouses, little white lies, and self-centered living then you have a right to complain when executives and politicians live out those values. If you are committed to being honest on your taxes, paying your bills, sacrificing for your family, and spending your money wisely, they you have a right to complain when others in your society do otherwise. If you have remained true to the Ten Commandments, then you’ve earned the right to complain about a nation gone rogue.
Of course, complaining does little good. Even prayer only goes so far. God answers prayer, and God could do some things to intervene, but it will always come back to the will of the people. Unless America, as a whole, chooses to live by God’s morals and values, it will continue to crumble. We should pray for our country, but God won’t cheat for any nation or individual.
Here’s the good news. If you live in a nation that does not choose wisely as a corporate entity, you can still succeed as an individual. You can be a bright light in a dark world… a rose among thorns… a wise person among fools. Then you will discover that complaining is a waste of time, but helping other individuals rediscover things like purity, honesty and integrity will change the world – at least your world. More important than a right to complain is the God-given right and power to choose. You may have been violated, but you have the opportunity to see that no one is violated as a result of your actions. No world leader will solve this crisis, but your right personal responses will insure a strong personal foundation. If enough other people choose well, entire nations will be blessed. If not, at least you and yours will be blessed, both now and forevermore.
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