Monday, May 11, 2009
Mounting Proof Against Evolution
According to the Second Law of Thermodynamics and the concept of entropy, over time all systems tend to become more disorderly and break down. Organisms and systems don’t naturally evolve from bad to good or from lower forms of life to higher forms of life. In the case of social and moral systems, entropy has been proven again and again. Our society in no exception, and most honest citizens are recognizing that things are getting worse. Our nation was formed based on faith in the Christian God, freedom, honesty and family. Those values are not only disappearing, they are being openly and officially opposed.
Consider the evidence. Alcoholism, drug abuse and extra marital affairs used to be private matters, but now they are the central factors in most high profile deaths, arrests and trials. The best paid people in our society used to be those in the helping, protecting or building professions, but now entertainers, money brokers and sports figures are best paid and even demand exorbitant salaries. As demonstrated by popular entertainment, our treatment of one another has grown less civil and even vicious… almost animalistic at times. We are never more like lower forms of animal life than when we mate in public, pay to see people bash one another, and publically flaunt selfishness and greed. One need not look any further than movies and daytime television to see that these behaviors are becoming “normal”.
If evolution holds true and is still working, mankind would be becoming less like animals, the world would be getting less polluted and every endangered species would simply adapt and save itself. If the creation is true and still working, when things get bad God, the source of life and every good thing, can fix it. Mankind naturally gets worse until God is allowed to step in and provides the strength to change. Of course, if we choose to refuse His help by not applying his principles to our nation, our family, or our personal lives, things will get worse and worse.
But, enough of the diagnosis. There is a huge silver lining to this dark cloud. Mankind was created with the capacity for love, decency, creativity, kindness, humility…. and when a person or a society finds itself bankrupt of these virtues, they can turn to God and be renewed. The Bible says it like this: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” (2 Corinthians 5:17 NIV) An infusion of goodness is possible. Revival can still happen. God provides the power; we provide the desire.
In fact, if we choose to live God’s way, we have the privilege of being the best observable evidence that there is a Creator. Think of it: cultural deterioration proves that time alone does not make things better but that things naturally go downhill, but one changed life becomes proof that God’s is powerful and creative. The end result is that both good and evil are proving that all good things come from God.
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