Friday, August 28, 2009


Christians Need Not Tuck Their Heads

Occasionally someone will make a comment about how Christians believe some strange things. They seem surprised that someone would pray out loud, get dunked in water, or raise their hands in praise to God. But, let’s be honest, there’s some really weird stuff out there that is so far-fetched it makes everything Christians do look tame. We live in a world where people are choosing to do whatever is right in their own eyes. As a result, our world culture is quick to embrace some very bizarre ideas and behaviors, and then intimidate anyone who stands firm in their faith in Christ.

But I will not be ashamed of the Gospel. I believe in one God who made all things. I believe Jesus was born of a virgin and died that I could have everlasting life. I believe a person can be born again of the water and the Spirit. I believe God fills us with His Spirit and that is evidenced by speaking in other tongues. I believe in healing, holiness and the gifts of the Spirit. I believe in angels, Heaven and Hell. I believe Jesus is coming soon. And all of the above are convictions that have been proven and tested for centuries. I can point to evidence and case studies. I am not basing my beliefs on a guru, an organization, or an ordinary book. So, I have no reason to be ashamed.

My religion does not require suicide, infanticide or murder. It does not mandate self-abuse, celibacy, solitary confinement, drug abuse, mind control, payment for sins, animal worship, incantations, guru worship, or any other degrading form of bondage.

The worship and music that takes place in our churches does not incite cop killing, body cutting, illicit activities or riots. It does not promote promiscuity, sensuality, or behaviors that include experiences beyond my control. When I have sung or played my spirit is encouraged, my soul is at rest and I have a better attitude about life and my fellow man. I am not ashamed to worship the King of Kings in praise and worship.

I am not ashamed of a Gospel and code of ethics that teaches me to respect myself and others; it offers me eternal life and a loving God. I am not ashamed of a Good Book that teaches me not to steal, abuse women, dress lewdly, kill or cheat on my wife. I am not ashamed of a “Great Commission” that teaches me to be a good Samaritan, to seek and save the lost, to heal the sick and to set at liberty those who are bound. I have no reason to tuck my head or offer apologies.

Christianity has been neither perfect, nor pure, but those who have operated by biblical principles have established many of the great schools, hospitals and institutions of mercy that exist. They have established governments that give their citizens dignity and freedom. They have written great books and moving compositions, done great and inspirational works of art, and established businesses based on mutual respect and ethical business practices. I am not ashamed of the many things that have been done in response to the Good News of Christ and His prescribed way of life. I am not ashamed to be called one of His.

Mark 8:38 says, “Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.” I do not feel superior to other people, but I certainly am not ashamed to be a Christian, are you?

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