Wednesday, October 07, 2009


Evidence of Sudden Global Cooling

A fierce debate rages concerning global warming. Is it really happening? Does mankind impact the global temperature? Should we spend trillions of dollars in an attempt to lower the earth’s temperature by a fraction of a degree? The scientific community is divided. Politicians seem to have ulterior motives as they make their case. There is little consensus. But one thing almost all scientists and politicians do agree on is this: there have been, in years gone by, periods of global cooling. Almost no one disagrees that at one point a great deal of the earth was under ice. Some even believe in multiple ice ages.

In April of this year, yet another bit of ice age evidence was uncovered in Siberia. A perfectly formed baby wooly mammoth was found preserved in ice. Like adult mammoths that have been previously discovered, this mammoth still had food in his stomach. These discoveries have intrigued and baffled scientists for several reasons:
1. There are estimated to be millions of mammoth remains in that area, yet there are none today.
2. Siberia’s climate is not suited to mammoths. Therefore, that portion of the world must have been much warmer when these mammoths were alive.
3. In order for some of these animals to have been so perfectly preserved, they would have had to been frozen quickly -- there would have had to have been sudden global cooling.

This mystery can be very easily explained. This evidence, along with a great deal of other physical evidence, points to the fact that at some point in history the earth experienced a catastrophic world-wide flood -- the same kind of flood as is described in Genesis 6-8. The scientific model I am referring to shows how the earth may have at one time been surrounded by a water canopy which caused its atmosphere to be much like that of a terrarium. Such an atmosphere would have allowed for humans to live longer, for dinosaurs to have lived well, and for huge amounts of vegetation to have been produced and later buried and converted into coal and oil. The theory explains how the water canopy could have collapsed, causing a flood and a drastic change in global temperature, especially at the poles. Thus animals who lived in warm climates were suddenly trapped in ice blocks near the arctic circle.

The truth is (although it is politically incorrect for our school teachers to say so) a world-wide flood explains many world mysteries, such as:
· Mammoths in the Arctic
· The sudden disappearance of dinosaurs
· Human and dinosaur footprints side by side
· Petrified forests
· Sea fossils nearly everywhere in the world, including mountain ranges
· Man-made items in coal deposits
· Layers of sediment and fossils exposed in the walls of the Grand canyon
· Historical records of mankind living to very old ages
· World-wide flood stories from people groups all over the world
· Why ancient civilizations began near Mt Ararat

One article could not begin to explain or explore all the above, but an honest researcher will discover that there are mountains of physical evidence which corroborate the story told in scripture about a world-wide deluge. It’s refreshing science built on hard evidence. You may have heard it called Creation Science. If you are interested, the following two websites are a great place to start your expedition:

It’s really quite amazing to find out that evidence of the flood is everywhere. In other words, good scientists are uncovering irrefutable evidence that the stories recorded in the Bible are not myths, rather, they are actual events. Incredible, huh? The Bible contains the best explanation for fully preserved mammoths in Siberia. But, then again, it only makes sense that God would have the real scoop.

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