Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Mothers Are Worth Celebrating
If you have been blessed with a loving mother, there’s nothing to compare. God uses mothers in our lives in such a powerful way. No one can minister to a child like their own mother. When the ancient song writer was looking for the epitome of someone who was at peace, he used the illustration of a child who had a good mother: “I am calm and quiet, like a baby with its mother. I am at peace like a baby with its mother.” (Psalm 131:2 NCV) Thanks moms for all you have done to make our lives better -- you are gifts from God.
We would be wise to take care of the mothers in our lives. They need to be reminded that we love and value them. Life gets to moving fast, and the faster it moves and the more babies a woman has to care for, the more notes, cards and acts of kindness our mothers will need just to survive. Humorist, Barbara Johnson, described a mother’s effort to cope with the fast pace of motherhood this way: “Baby activities change with each additional child. You take your first infant to baby swim classes, baby aerobics, and baby massage. You take your second child to baby story hour so you can nap while the story is read. You take the third baby to McDonald’s drive through. You use your time differently as each child comes along. You spend hours each day staring adoringly at your precious firstborn. With the second baby, you glance in her direction occasionally as you race to stop your toddler from dropping the cat down the laundry chute. With the third child, you train the dog to guard the baby from his siblings a few hours each day while you hide in the closet.” (Daily Splashes of Joy, May 12)
One of the ten commandments admonishes us to honor our mother. Our obedience to this command will not only bless our mothers, but it will, no doubt, trigger even more gracious behaviors in them. That is why this commandment was the first commandment that had a promise attached to it. The promise: “that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee.” (Exodus 20:12 KJV)
Have you given any thought to how you will honor the mothers who have touched your life? Perhaps you could show your love to someone who, though she was not your mother, cared for you like she was. Who knows, your expression of love to a young mother might translate into a happier homelife for her and her children. That is how good overcomes evil. This holiday is one worth celebrating. Let’s celebrate all those women who took up their God-given challenge and blessed the lives of so many around them. Let’s go out of our way to wish them a Happy Mothers’ Day.
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