Saturday, May 15, 2010


The Problem With Moralphobia

It’s working! The incessant rhetoric of self-appointed social engineers seems to be brainwashing the public at large into believing that morals and values are relative. People who were raised to be selfless, respectful and self-controlled are being snookered into believing that their mentors were simply ignoramuses who didn’t know how to really live life. Disregarding the truths that have been proven for millenniums, these change agents have opted to ignore nature, history and God, himself, in their quest to create a world without rules. But, not being content to destroy only themselves, they have raised their intimidating voices for the express purpose of making many good people feel foolish should they dare express their politically incorrect views. I call this “moralphobia”.

Moralphobia is a fear created by cultural influencers who are seeking to create an illusionary world where there are no boundaries and there are no repercussions to bad behavior. In fact, in their construct, there is no such thing as bad behavior. Unfortunately, for those who study history, this approach has been tried repeatedly in many “great” civilizations. The result: For a while it seems like the party is going strong and there will be no negative consequences. Then the society collapses because all the social building codes were repealed and anyone who dared point out that the moral-less society could not stand was made to feel ignorant and unenlightened. It was in times like these that they killed the prophets and burned the Bibles. Then they wondered why God let everything fall down around them.
The problem with moralphobia is that when people begin to feel like it is wrong to say anything is wrong, then anything goes. Soon, no one is safe. No one can any longer tell Johnny not to sexually abuse Susie. No one feels brave enough to hold corrupt politicians accountable. I find it odd that while, as a society, we are not foolish enough to throw away our building codes, we do seem more than ready to throw away other, more important codes; codes like the ten commandments, clean language, and good manners. Our fear of being seen as bigots, extremists or puritans is causing havoc in our courts, our schools and our government.
Someone is going to have to sound like an idiot and declare that the emperor has no clothes. We must not be afraid to speak the truth -- not our version of the truth, but the truth as revealed to us by God. It is still wrong to lie, murder, steal and commit adultery. These morals and values are beyond our pay-grade - we have no right to change them. If we let unwise people intimidate us into ignoring these divine building codes, our own moral house will collapse.
Moralphobia causes people to let things go that they would ordinarily (under the influence of common sense) correct. The results are just as deplorable as those experienced by someone who is afraid to discipline their puppy for fear of being perceived as cruel. If they never draw boundaries or impose discipline, the puppy will soon chew up their shoes, soil their carpet, destroy their furniture and then bite the hand that feeds them. That’s just the way life works. It’s been that way for all cultures and for all time. We can’t just pretend that there will be no consequences to our dispensing with morals; our pretending or being too embarrassed to say something will not stop the repercussions. That’s the problem with moralphobia.

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