Friday, April 29, 2011
To Die For
Is there is anyone or anything in your life that you value so highly that you would be ready to lay down your life? If so, I hope the person or cause is not trivial. Your life is all you have; it is too valuable to risk recklessly. Sadly, it is not uncommon for people to inadvertently give their life for something that is -- so not worth it. The Associated Press released such a story on February 9, 2011:
“ A Philadelphia Police Department Crime Scene Unit van pulls away from a Hampton Inn in Philadelphia. Police say they're investigating the death of a woman who had a cosmetic injection into her buttocks at the hotel….Detectives have not made a connection between the injection and her death, but, preliminary investigations are leaning toward that being a cause of death.”
The intention of this article is not to make light of this woman’s fate. However, the question must be asked, “Was it worth dying for?” We must assume that this woman did not expect to die, but we must also assume that the procedure was neither essential nor medically conventional.
This whole scene is not far removed from the spiritual condition many of us have experienced at some time in our lives. While searching for meaning, love, acceptance or excitement most of us have found ourselves involved in back room deals, bad relationships, or unsafe environments in which our spiritual and physical lives have been in real danger. Unfortunately, we sometimes come close to dying for things that are so not worth it.
Jesus had a philosophy that, if employed, will save us from such a fate. When talking about material things, he said, “Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” (Matthew 6:33 NLT) It may sound backwards, but you might be surprised at how well this tactic works.
The idea is that God’s Kingdom is worth dying for, so a believer fully commits their life to that cause. The result is a double-whammy blessing. Spirit-filled believers not only secure eternal life, but they also enjoy an abundant life here and now. That is not to say they will have an easy life, or even a fair life, but, with the help of God’s Spirit living in them, they can have an abundant life as well as a higher purpose for living. In short, the Christian life is to die for.
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