On a dare, he confidently sauntered over to an attractive young lady who was innocently socializing with her friends. With an air conveying his assurance that he was macho and irresistible, he said “Hello beautiful, consider this your lucky day!” Then he leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. “Smack went his lips and smack went her hand up alongside his face -- a fair and effective response. He now saw stars and heard the roar of his buddies. Not what he had planned.
There are so many wonderful people who saved me heaps of trouble by teaching me one simple life principle that evidently eluded “Romeo”, that is: actions have consequences. During this season of Thanksgiving, I would like to thank those people for taking the time and trouble to make me a wiser pilgrim as I journey through this world. My list would include parents, extended family members, pastors, teachers, bosses, friends and even strangers.
Cause and effect is a universal law as sure as the law of gravity. St Paul said it this way: “Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.” (Galatians 6:7NLT) An Old Testament prophet said it even more emphatically: “For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind…” (Hosea 8:7 KJV)
Unfortunately we can be easily deceived because consequences are many times unseen or delayed. As a result it often appears as though we are getting away with things we’re not really getting away with. Again, scripture says it succinctly: “Because the sentence against evil deeds is so long in coming, people in general think they can get by with murder.” (Ecclesiastes 8:11 MSG)
So many of our negative actions produce devastating, delayed reactions. The resulting fruit looks like this: poor health, broken relationships, incarceration, unwanted pregnancies, communicable diseases, unemployment… Oh what pain a little wisdom could prevent. How valuable are the lessons of a teacher who won’t permit cheating, a parent who won’t withhold discipline or a friend who won’t lie for us.
But, wait! This principle can also be extremely comforting and motivating. So many of our good actions produce good fruit, even if that fruit is sometimes delayed in coming, as well. The world is enriched by wise people whose actions include: hard work, diligent study, healing speech, kind acts, benevolent endeavors… The fruit born of these good seeds might be: productive companies, great discoveries, strong families, and organizations that make the world a better place.
There are not very many concepts more life altering than this one. I will reap what I sow, therefore I will sow good seed. A lot of good people contributed to my understanding of the concept. They taught me not to take the short cuts or cheat. They taught me by holding my feet to the fire. They taught me by not dumbing things down. They taught me by holding on to their principles. I am the fruit of their good deeds and their good examples. Thanks guys!
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Friday, November 25, 2011