Saturday, April 07, 2012


Explosion Blows Hole in the Space-Time Continuum

It was a truly cosmic event.  Colossal.  Impossible to measure.  Only the death of Christ had comparable impact on the world and on your future.  In fact, the incident confirmed that His death was an undeniable triumph over death.  Unfortunately, we often we pass over the story without contemplating its enormous effect.  In many circles the explosion to which I refer has been grossly underestimated.  This is how it could have been reported in the first century:

A spokesperson of new Jewish religious sect whose leader was executed last Friday recently made this incredible claim: “Early on Sunday morning, as the new day was dawning, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went out to visit the tomb.  Suddenly there was a great earthquake! For an angel of the Lord came down from heaven, rolled aside the stone, and sat on it.  His face shone like lightning, and his clothing was as white as snow. The guards shook with fear when they saw him, and they fell into a dead faint.” (Matthew 28:1-4 NLT) Someone later claimed to have talked to the resurrected Rabbi who said of Himself. “I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.” (Revelation 1:18)

Three days after Jesus was crucified He broke through unseen barriers.   It was as if there was an explosion in the spirit world on Easter morning; an explosion that not only moved the stone which imprisoned Jesus in the tomb, but also demolished the arch enemies of mankind - death hell and the grave. Jesus’ resurrection blew a hole in the wall between time and eternity so we could all have access to eternal life.  Jesus (God manifest in the flesh according to 1 Timothy 3:16) went first. He became the “first fruit of them that slept” (1 Corinthians 15:20).  

One day those who have committed themselves to His kingdom are going to stand before Jesus in heaven and stare back through that hole into time and marvel that they were so blessed to be invited.  They will wonder why they held on so tightly to earthly things.  Because of Jesus death and resurrection and their response to Him, their perspective will be from a whole new dimension beyond time and space. 

Easter is proof that, in Christ, there is life after death. This is an incredible concept; one that most world religions have explored but not proven.  Many influential people have founded movements and religions, but only one came back from the dead exactly as he predicted… only one walked through walls and did many infallible proofs... only one ascended into the heavens with the promise that he would return.

We have proof that the Roman government and the Jewish religious leaders could not refute - in spite of their frantic attempts.  There is a place beyond the grave, and Jesus holds the keys. It makes you want to get on his good side, doesn’t it?  It makes you want to repent, be baptized and receive the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38) so you can enter the kingdom and go to the place He has prepared for you; a place outside the space-time continuum.

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