Friday, May 11, 2012


Striking it Rich

Even confirms the story is true. In 1989 a Philadelphia financial analyst, purchased a painting in an Adamstown, PA flea market. His name was Donald Scheer.  He wasn’t attracted to the painting itself, but bought the picture for the old frame. He only paid four dollars. As he began removing the painting from the frame it fell apart, and he spotted a piece of paper hidden behind the painting. It appeared to be a copy of the United States Declaration of Independence. Upon appraisal he was informed that he had discovered an original copy of the Declaration of Independence that was printed by John Dunlap.

Imagine his surprise when Donald discovered that only 24 original copies of this document existed, and that only three of them were privately owned. In 1991, Scheer was able to sell the rare print he had purchased for $4 at an auction for $2.42 million dollars.  He had struck it rich, becoming an instant millionaire.

Most of us dream of striking it rich like Donald Scheer.  We imagine finding the treasure that will insure a live of ease and security.  Stories like his are few and far between, but the truth is that people strike it rich all the time.  Sometimes the valuables they discover are in plain sight but undetected by others.  Too often we measure value only in dollars and cents, when the most valuable things in life are measured in things like love and healthy relationships -- the greatest of those treasures being forgiveness and everlasting life. 

The church I oversee recently offered free groceries to all adult guests who came to a Sunday morning service.  We did this in an effort to help those who may be struggling in our sluggish economy.  As a result, several dozen people came to a Sunday morning service expecting a few groceries but they got far more than what they imagined.  A couple of our guests told us that they felt God’s presence and a love more powerful than they had ever experienced.  Four of our visitors chose to be baptized in Jesus name like Peter instructed believers to do in Acts 2:38.  According to the Bible, those guests went home with a clean heart. Two of those same guests also received the baptism of the Holy Ghost and spoke with other tongues like Jesus mother and disciples did in Acts chapter 1.  The joy they experienced was evident. They came looking for temporal help but left having received eternal blessings.  What a deal!

That is the same scenario Jesus’ contemporaries witnessed.  People would come to Jesus’ meetings out of curiosity and leave delivered from emotional issues, healed of physical illness and set free from cynicism and unbelief.  Those who came looking for Jesus two thousand years ago struck it rich; those who seek him today will too! 

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