Nearly seventeen years ago when I moved to New England I
often heard people proudly say things like:
“One thing you’ll learn about people in New England is we tell it like
it is.” While some people used such
reasoning as an excuse to be tactless, I think the majority of people who said
that were simply expressing what most of us feel in our hearts; they were
saying that we don’t like it when people are disingenuous. When people play
games marriages are ruined, families are fragmented and businesses are
corrupted, leaving everyone hurt, unsure and skeptical. We all secretly wish that we could trust
others to be honest and non-manipulative.
No games.
Perhaps we get that innate desire from our Creator. He has been very straightforward with
us. He gave us a handbook that clearly
explains the principles by which He established this life. He counseled us to be honest and fair with
Him and with one another. He also warned
us of the consequences that necessarily comes from playing games. The trouble is, many times the consequences
of our games are delayed, so we think we are getting away with it. Here’s God’s
opinion on the matter:
Next, God calls up the
wicked: "What are you up to, quoting my laws, talking like we are good
friends? You never answer the door when I call; you treat my words like
garbage. If you find a thief, you make him your buddy; adulterers are your
friends of choice. Your mouth drools filth; lying is a serious art form with
you. You stab your own brother in the back, rip off your little sister. I kept
a quiet patience while you did these things; you thought I went along with your
game. I'm calling you on the carpet, now, laying your wickedness out in plain
sight… Time's up for playing fast and loose with me. I'm ready to pass
sentence, and there's no help in sight! It's the praising life that honors me.
As soon as you set your foot on the Way, I'll show you my salvation. (Psalm
50:16-21, 22- 23 MSG)
It sometimes appears that God is going along with our games,
but there will be a day of reckoning. He
patiently waits for us to hit the wall of consequences, hoping we will come to
our senses and humbly seek His salvation.
He waits until we encounter the vengeance of alcohol, drugs, dishonesty
or promiscuity. When we play our hand
and find ourselves victimized, He stands ready to forgive us and wash all our
sins away. He lovingly waits for us to
come running to Him. There we find love,
forgiveness and healing… but no games.
Knowing that mankind would have tendency toward game-playing,
God devised a plan to “robe himself in flesh and live among us.” In this supreme gesture of love, The Mighty
God in Christ became “the Lamb for sinners slain.” He did this so He could deal honestly with
our sin. He died as a spotless Lamb so we
could legally apologize to Him through repentance, and then be baptized in His
name, thereby freeing Him wash our sins away. This salvation experience gives
believers a completely clean slate and from then on they can live every day
admitting their weakness and embracing God’s grace - game-free.
We don’t have to pretend we are good. We don’t need to live double lives. We can be straightforward and honest with
God, never wondering where we stand with Him.
In this way God elevates our lives to a plane similar plane to where he
lives – a place where there are no games.
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Saturday, September 22, 2012