Saturday, April 13, 2013


Hell is a Monument

God is love.  Jesus Christ was the embodiment of God , and He loved the world unconditionally even when his objects of affection politically sabotaged and illegally executed Him.  Strangely enough many people misunderstand God's love, and God's anger against the things that are detrimental to mankind.  Like any good father, God has our best interest at heart and will do everything he can to help us live a life that is healthy and pure.  But, like most children who, at some points in their life,  resent their parent's efforts to give good direction and protection, most of us experience times when we resent God's efforts to do the same.  When God, out of love, shows His wrath against evil we can completely misunderstand.

Acclaimed speaker and author, Becky Pippert, explained God's wrath like this: "Anger is not the opposite of love.  Hate is, and the final form of hate is indifference…God’s wrath is not a cranky explosion, but his settled opposition to the cancer…which is eating out the insides of the human race he loves with his whole being."

Because of His love for mankind, and because of his innate justice, God had to do something about the sin problem.  He did two things:
1. He provided a way of escape.  He invites everyone to be born again - He offers them eternal life at His expense.   This offer also includes a life of forgiveness, empowerment, healing, and wholeness on earth.
2.  He provides an alternative eternal abode  for those who do not want His loving, generous offer of Heaven.  This alternative place was originally designed for fallen angels,  but if mankind insists they can choose Hell as their forever-option.

The great author C. S. Lewis put it in perspective when he wrote" Hell is the greatest monument to human freedom.”  To put it informally:  Hell is only necessary because some people don't want to do it God's way.  You don't have to go to Heaven.  You don't have to enjoy a kingdom where everything is fair.  You don't have to live in a mansion or walk on streets of gold.  God hates sin and cannot let it enter heaven, but if you or I insist on holding onto sin, He leaves us that freedom.  
Hell is not God's way of getting even.  Hell is God's incinerator - a place for everything that is opposed to His goodness.  Because of His love and justice He will always hate sin and evil.  In His love He will be firm.  In His love He will chastise His own.  In His love He will demand justice.  In His love His blood will wash repentant hearts whiter than snow.  In His love He will wash away our sins in baptism.  In His love He will fill us with His Spirit.  And in His love He will let you choose.  Hell was not meant of us, but it is an option for those who don't want to be forced into God's  perfect, eternal kingdom.  Hell is a monument to human freedom.

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