Saturday, June 22, 2013


It Makes You Wonder

In one of the most ancient books known to man a man named Job struggled with the way his life was unfolding.  Often in his monologues or philosophical discussions with friends he would turn to nature for understanding. He concluded that God is just too big and complicated for our small minds to understand, and that we would do well to join creation and stand in awe and wonder of Him.  At one point he said, "But ask the animals what they think—let them teach you; let the birds tell you what's going on.  Put your ear to the earth—learn the basics. Listen—the fish in the ocean will tell you their stories.  Isn't it clear that they all know and agree that GOD is sovereign, that he holds all things in his hand." (Job 12:7-9 MSG)

An objective and truly scientific exploration of our world will solicit wonder from even the hardest heart.  Whether gazing at the vast ocean or the endless night sky, one can't help but admire the Creator. The documentary "God of Wonders" directed by Jim Tetlow gives one example of His handiwork:

"All butterflies undergo an amazing transformation during their life cycle.  The insect begins as an egg. Then, a crawling caterpillar. Followed by the pupa stage. During this stage the caterpillar begins to convulse in rhythmic jerks, breaking off its outer skin.  Its legs and outer head capsule are quickly shed, giving rise to a chrysalis.  Then, within the first day, the caterpillars organs disintegrate into a soupy liquid. Miraculously, after one to two weeks, a complex, winged butterfly emerges.

This metamorphosis takes place in a matter of days, not millions of years. The adult butterfly now has six segmented legs, antennae, a specialized feeding tube, two amazing compound eyes, complex reproductive organs, and four ornate wings.  The caterpillar had none of these features.  Clearly, the genetic instructions for all these stages were programmed into the insect by the creator from the beginning."   

The film goes on to explore other wonders of creation such as humming birds, DNA, and water molecules.

Man is God's crowning creation and, as with the caterpillar, He can change your life dramatically.  You can "become a new creation" (2 Corinthians 5:17).  Most every Sunday I have the privilege of worshipping with dozens of people whose lives have been genuinely transformed.  I often marvel at the way God has transformed the lives and families of those who have truly committed their lives to Him: 

·         People who used to be suicidal now want to live.

·         People who used to be selfish now serve their families and communities with joy.

·         People who used to be addicted to harmful substances and behaviors are now free.

·         People who used to be hurting victims have become healed victors.

·         People who were willing to die to their way of living have found new and better ways to live.

·         People who go through difficult situations can do so with courage and purpose, knowing that "God is well able to keep what they have committed unto him." (2 Timothy 1:12)

Both nature and transformed lives make me stand back in wonder at the grace and power of a loving God. 

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