Friday, August 30, 2013


Would You Bet Your Life On It?

"In Midieval times people believed the Earth was only a few thousand years old. In 1897 Lord Kelvin... calculated that the earth was between 24 million and 400 million years old... In 1905 Ernest Rutherford used radioactive decay of minerals to arrive at a date of 500 million years. By 1907 Boltwood had increased this estimate to 1.64 billion years using the same technique...we are now convinced that the oldest rocks on the Earth are almost 4 billion years old. " (  So within the past one hundred years the scientists' estimates changed by 4.3 billion years!! That a pretty big re-calculation!  Would you trust a company that changed their figures that drastically?

When I was in grade school I was indoctrinated to believe I should eat from the 5 food groups every day.  By the time I was in high school at least three of those food groups were considered problematic.  Today, many people in the health industry today refuse to eat several of those food groups.  Should I believe my grade school text books, my high school text books or the current text books?  Incidentally, God gave Moses some health advice 3300 years ago;  I find it interesting that after all these years mankind is coming around to many of the same dietary opinions. 

Grant it, mankind is always learning and adapting to new discoveries.  Nonetheless,  it is baffling when people readily discard long-proven truths in favor of theories devised by the same "authorities" who change their answers about the age of the earth by billions of years.  Why should a person bet their world view and their eternal life on constructs that change so drastically?

My point is that God made us and He has done His best to communicate truths to us, but, for some reason, we are prone to sneer at God's advice and embrace that of our peers, even though our peers have changed their opinions drastically in very short periods of time.  When it comes to my life and my afterlife, I am very uncomfortable banking on the shifting opinions mentioned above.  I need a more solid foundation; something that has been proven rather than something that always has to be altered to fit the current theories.

1500 years ago the Bible predicted a Messiah would come and die.  Jesus came, claimed to be the Messiah,  and accurately predicted his death and his resurrection.  It came to pass before his contemporaries' very eyes.  He rose from the dead and came out of tomb guarded by a contingent of the world's elite fighting force.  Then he ascended into heaven in front of a crowd of 500 people.  These events were so real and tangible, that his followers were transformed from cowards into bold miracle workers and martyrs.

Which source are you going to trust your eternal life to?  Are you going to let your world view be shaped by a community that changes its facts and figures by billions  in a matter of a few decades?  Or will you trust someone who says something and it comes to pass in every detail?  Will you trust your spiritual heath to people who can't quite agree on what is healthy or healthy for you, or will you trust it to someone who came back from the grave?  God never miscalculates, and he loved you enough to come in the form of a man and provide evidence that His Word is true.  Furthermore, He will respond to your sincere efforts to know Him, because He wants you to have abundant life now and forever. You can bet your life on it!

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