Friday, June 12, 2015



In my imagination I took a most enlightening journey.  The gorge I traveled was absolutely breath-taking.  To the East an immense, sheer face of rock rose to towering heights and stretched as far as the eye could see.  To the West lay gentle cliffs and rolling hills.  The path was a joy to traverse. But my eyes were continually drawn to gaze back at the gorgeous, mammoth mass of sparkling granite. It was un-scalable; a magnificent monument to its creator.

Then my ears detected an unsettling commotion.  The cursing and moaning was so out of place.  After a few, hastened steps my eyes fell upon a curious sight; before me on the path stood a young man who was banging his fists and his head against the wall.  He was angry and bloodied, and disoriented. 

"What are you doing?" I queried.

"I'm trying to go East," he muttered. 

"But you are in a canyon, and that is a granite wall you are assaulting," I explained. "It is impossible for you to move the mountain with your head and your fists. You will just have to take the path up and over."

"I don't believe that," he retorted.  "This wall is just a figment of my imagination. In fact, I had a dream that there is no mountain.  Besides that, my grandpa told me it is not real. Furthermore,  I earned a degree from a school that said the mountain does not exist, and, I wrote my thesis on the subject.  All of the brightest people I know.. all of the most famous people in my country... all the lawmakers in our capital city have concluded that there is no mountain here," he continued as he took another run at the wall.

It was saddening and brutal to watch, so I continued to plead with him, "Obviously you ae operating on theories.  Those people you have referred to all have reasons to explain the wall away, but  your bloodied head proves this mountain is a reality.  Don't do this to yourself!  There is actually a way up the mountain, and I can show it to you."

With a shove and a glare he yelled, "Get out my way you fool!"  Then he backed up and lunged toward the wall.

The journey, the gorge, and the wall were not physical -- they were spiritual.  The young man represents many people I have known.  God is real;  He is that immovable wall.  People can explain him away, manipulate data, and concoct hypotheses that deny his existence, but He does not go away. Arrogant critics can make movies that belittle Him and mock Him, but, there He stands -- immovable.  Immovable, but oh so loveable, forgiving and graceful.  He cannot change to be who we want Him to be. But, for those who are willing to acknowledge Him, He is the breathtakingly, beautiful, solid rock of the universe.

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