Saturday, October 17, 2015



There it was; right on time as always.  It was 6:53 a.m. when it peeked over the horizon, splashing brilliant pastels, in ever-changing  hues, onto the billowing clouds that drifted in front of a pale blue sky.  It illuminated the skyline just like it did 73,390 sunrises before - on the day Francis Scott Key wrote of "the dawn's early light."  The rising of the sun can be immensely comforting.  While kingdoms have risen and fallen... while social experiments have been tried... while people have become famous and then crashed down from their lofty perches... while hypotheses have been proposed and then disproven... the sun has been faithful.

Faithfulness is a rare gem.  There are precious few principles or people who are truly faithful.  It may, in fact, be faithfulness that is God's most defining characteristic.  What He said yesterday, He will stick by today.  Some may resent His unchanging nature, but for those who know Him, it is an anchor for their soul.  You can count on Him as surely as you can count on tomorrow's sunrise. 

I am so thankful for people who have  taken on this godly trait.  There are few things that bring greater joy than a spouse who is faithful.  Nothing builds confidence and security like a parent who doesn't leave.  Even our work places are enhanced by those employees and bosses who can be trusted to show up and do what they do every day.  Faithful people bring stability to a chaotic world.

I am increasingly grateful for the people who are faithful to the church I oversee.  They keep the lights on.   It is because of the faithful among us that I can walk into church, confident that the restrooms will be clean and the sound system will be working.  I can bring a child to class knowing that someone has lovingly prepared activities to help them learn about the eternal God and His principles - even though they do not receive a dime for their efforts.  If it weren't for them, many people would not have had a place to find forgiveness, be healed, or be delivered from a life-threatening addiction.  These people are not sinless, like God, but they show up and let God shine through them.  They are often the sunrise in someone else's life. These are people who give to others each week without expecting notoriety or compensation.  They have somehow tapped into God as their resource and become the means by which God expresses His faithfulness to people who have not yet had a personal encounter with Him.  Their worth is incalculable.
Before the sun goes down today, it might be good to thank one of those faithful people who have touched your life.  If you are in a chaotic season of life, you might do well to get up early and watch the sun rise tomorrow.  Contemplate the faithfulness of the Creator.  Talk to Him about your world and ask Him to open your eyes to His faithfulness.  He has been answering prayers and helping people become more personally aware of His presence in their lives for thousands of years.  You can count on Him. He is faithful.

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