Saturday, November 14, 2015



I spotted them not long after sunrise. They stood contentedly side by side -- together.  The one on the left, being much slimmer and shorter by far, was leaning ever so slightly toward the stronger; snuggling, almost as if about to kiss.

I wondered how these two, being so old and mismatched, had ended up together. Every time I saw them they were holding one another as if they were blissfully happy and defying anyone who might threaten to come between them.

What struck me was how different they were from one another. One sturdy, stately and healthy except for a large visible scar; the other older-looking, gnarled and frail. They differed in color, build, personality and family background, yet it was obvious they had lived together for many years. No telling how many storms they had weathered together.  It was clear to see that the one had fared better, but was happy to let good fortune (or maybe good genes) benefit the weaker, homelier partner.

As I contemplated them standing in the leaf-carpeted woods, facing the lake by which they had lived for many years, I thought how wonderful the world would be if every married couple could be like this elm and cherry tree.  What if we could just accept that God brought us together, with all our diversity, so we could embrace one another... lean on one another?  What if we could accept that our gnarledness, scars and aging bodies are beautiful to others when they see us contented and unashamedly embracing one another... valuing and protecting one another... not trying to change one another... together?

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