Friday, March 25, 2016



There is a mysterious formation less than a few thousand feet from the intersection of Connecticut, Massachusetts and Rhode Island, near the abandoned "Southern Trunk" rail line.  It is a curious corbelled cave.  Some call it "Hermit's Cave".  No one seems to know who built it, but we know it wasn't foxes or glaciers; it was intelligently designed.

In March of 2012, Kevin Spottswood wrote a blog at outlining five possible creators of this cave.  This is how he begins his blog:

"THOMPSON, Connecticut — East Thompson, snug in the northeastern corner of boxy Connecticut, is a miniature mecca of local lore.

In 1789, the tiny village nearly assassinated the nation’s first president with its rough roads and rougher roadside fare. A century later, it was the scene of the worst railroad crash, measured by number of trains, in United States history.

East Thompson also may have been home to a mysterious hill dweller. Hobbit or human? I’d bet human."

I recently visited Hermit's Cave. As I considered this mysterious formation I could not help but see it as an analogy of two, much bigger concepts: creation and the resurrection.

The cave is indisputably a planned, well-made formation.  Although it is made of stone, it did not happen by chance.  It had a purpose for someone.  Perhaps someone needed a place to sleep, or a place to store food.  Although there seems to be no clear record of who built it or when, it stands as evidence that somebody who knew how to "corbel" stone created this structure.

All of creation is also indisputable proof of a planner.  The atmosphere, the elements, the human body, ecosystems... are all too complex and interdependent to have just happened.  That is why billions of people all around the world, for thousands of years, have concluded that our planet and our universe was intelligently designed.  From the beginning of time most people groups have acknowledged a Creator with cave drawings, oral traditions, art, literature and a plethora of traditions. While these people have not agreed on many points, most of them have agreed that the Creator is a higher power and should be treated with great reverence.  Only the most arrogant among us have concluded otherwise. All of creation is proof!

Jesus' empty tomb is also much like the corbelled cave mentioned above.  The fact that the Jewish and Roman leaders couldn't produce the body that was supposed to be in the tomb, in order to curb the rise of Christianity, stands as one of the greatest proofs that Jesus rose from the dead.  We may not understand how that could happen, but it is a historical fact that as many as 16 Roman soldiers stood watch over Jesus' body and still lost it.  The soldiers were later bribed to lie about the resurrection.  But facts are stubborn.

How God created the world and how Jesus rose from the dead are mysteries, but both creation and the empty tomb are powerful testimonies that Jesus was who He said He was.  God will always be a bit mysterious.   We will never fully understand Him.  His ways will always be above our ways.  But He does give enough solid evidence to those who are humble enough to seek Him.  Join billions of people this Easter as we worship the Creator who became our savior.  Rejoice with us as we point to an empty tomb and celebrate the tangible proof that Jesus overcame death, hell and the grave.

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