“Do you see what I see?” is a line from the
famous Christmas Song titled, Do you Hear
What I Hear? It was written in 1962
by Noel Regney and Gloria Baker as a plea for peace. While world peace is still illusive, love,
joy and peace for individuals are within everyone’s grasp. The catch -- it requires that they see the
Seeing the invisible
may sound illogical or impossible, but it has been the cornerstone of Biblical
faith since the creation of man. The
Bible said this of Moses: “It was by faith
that Moses
left the land of Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger. He kept right on going
because he kept his eyes on the one who is invisible. ” (Hebrews 11:27 NLT)
Skeptics can easily question what people of
faith “see”, but it is much harder to argue with the results of faith like
Moses had. He is famous for the parting of the Red Sea and liberating millions
of slaves from the most powerful kingdom on earth. Then, with God as His coach, he kept them
alive in a desert for forty years. And he is just one of many heroes of faith
who accomplished epic feats because they were able to “see” in faith.
Admittedly there are those who claim to see and
hear things that may actually be unstable, but when believers hold themselves
accountable to the safety nets of the Bible and other believers, they continue
to experience supernatural transformations and healings to this day. Like the
lady who called me one day trying to figure out what was happening to her. She was alone at home praying when suddenly
she began speaking in a language she had not learned. Her genuine faith allowed God to fill her
with His Spirit just like he did on the first day of the Church as recorded in
Acts chapter two. She had not been coached or “brainwashed,” because she didn’t
even know about speaking in tongues. She
was just sincerely seeking a God she could not see.
The Bible and church history are filled with
many other inexplicable acts of bravery, healings and miracles. But only those
who believe experience these God-events.
It is as if God sifts through mankind by asking people to see with their
hearts. Some believe; others do
not. Those who don’t often never
understand and may even deem believers to be simple or foolish. But people of faith are not weak minded --
they are just strong-hearted.
Ironically, these strong-hearted believers have
been changing the world for centuries and the world has been rejecting them
much like they rejected Jesus Christ. “We have stories of those who were stoned, sawed in two,
murdered in cold blood; stories of vagrants wandering the earth in animal
skins, homeless, friendless, powerless— the
world didn't deserve them!—making their way as best they could on the cruel edges
of the world.” (Hebrews 11:37-40 MSG)
As Christmas approaches, I would ask, “Do you
see what I see?” I see a God who loves
you and wants to interact with you in a dynamic way. I see God changing your life from the inside
out and making you whole. I see you
living a life of joy and peace in the middle of a messy world. If you are able to “see” the invisible God who
changes believers lives, maybe you are a person of faith. Maybe you do see what I see. I hope so, and I
hope you have a Christmas filled with love, joy and peace.
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Saturday, December 09, 2017