was first proposed in the 3rd century BC by Aristarchus of Samos, but it took
another 1,300 years for another astronomer, by the name of Nicolaus Copernicus,
to make it popular. Its scientific name
is Heliocentrism, and it is the belief that the earth revolves around the sun.
Until the 16th century most humans held to the geocentric model
which taught that the earth was center of the universe. When the Heliocentric
theory arose, even the church resisted it. It would be another century before
map maker Joan Blaeu would incorporate this revolutionary heliocentric theory
into a map of the world.
was a world-changing discovery that changed everything. It changed our understanding
of the planets and stars, and It made all the difference in how we would
eventually travel beyond earth’s atmosphere. Today it is a universally accepted
truth. So, why did it take so long to embrace? Because, from man’s limited
perspective it looks like the sun is circling the earth, and because it is
natural to think that the world is all about us. But human arrogance distorts
is another, more important, world-changing discovery that can change the world of
anyone who has the courage and faith to embrace it. It is a paradigm shift much
like the geocentric to heliocentric shift. It is the discovery that the
universe does not revolve around man. Life is not man-centered, it is
God-centered. The difference between those two views cannot be overstated. It
is like the difference between being the horse or the rider, or between being
the pot or the potter.
a person defines everything in relation to themselves they are more susceptible
to things like depression, fear, worry, performance anxiety. They are more
likely to stoop to manipulation, abuse,
adultery, murder, theft, and cheating. But a clear view of God changes everything.
St. John
saw a vision of heaven in which he heard its inhabitants sharing their
perspective. They said, “Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and
power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were
created.” (Revelation 4:11) Those
in heaven recognized it was all about God.
someone discovers the God-centered paradigm it changes everything, including
how they think, operate, and pray. For example, have you every prayed, “Lord
don’t let it rain.”? I have. But, honestly, do we think God’s primary role is
to frantically move clouds around to accommodate our agendas? Grant it, he can
intervene if the situation warrants, but everything is not about us. God invented
a water system designed to take care of His world. One person occupies 3 square
feet of this planet. There are another 1,597,675,921,460,000
square feet of dry land that He needs to tend. Each day God’s irrigation
system needs to drop 400 trillion gallons of water on the earth. If He were to move
the rain away from one person, He would need to make it fall on someone else.
So, if we pray for rain or shine, we should consider that God is dealing with a
much bigger picture.
are some life changes that come to those who make this discovery:
will care as much for others as they do themselves.
praying, they will not give God direction, they will ask Him for direction.
hurt or abused, they will not see the perpetrators as all-powerful, but as
misguided souls who will one day be held accountable.
will worship God to show Him honor rather than to flatter Him.
rains on their day or when they fail to get a raise, they will still enjoy life,
because everything is not about them.
of worrying about things they cannot change, they will release everything to
the One who can change anything.
God leads them up steep hills, they will embrace the challenge knowing that He
is the Good Shepherd and is doing what is best for His sheep.
that the universe is God-centered will change everything! It is an incontrovertible
truth waiting to be discovered by those humble enough to let their eyes be
opened so they can honestly embrace a wonderful universe that has meaning and
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Friday, March 02, 2018