It was just my father and I, alone in the car. I was probably ten or twelve and we were on our way to the airport. He loved airplanes. He had been a paratrooper in the Korean War and later obtained his pilot’s license. On rare occasions he would have the money to take me up in a borrowed two-place, high-winged, single-engine plane, but usually he simply went to the airport on the rimrocks that overlooked Billings, MT, to watch the planes come and go. There were five of us kids and that day he asked me - just me - to join him.
I remember the trip, because of a simple exchange that took place between us that day. Seemingly out of nowhere he turned to me and said, “I love you, John.” I answered, “I love you, too, dad.” I’m sure it wasn’t the first time he had told me that, and I am certain it wasn’t the last. But it struck me that he was being very deliberate and vulnerable in an effort to make sure I knew he loved me. That was nearly half a century ago, and I still remember my father’s words.
Thirty-five years of ministry have exposed me to many families and many fathers, and I have discovered that a surprisingly high number of people have never been clearly told by their father that they are loved. This lack of fatherly affection is often due to broken marriages or situations in which fathers don’t feel comfortable expressing their deepest emotions. Sadly, this leaves many children feeling unloved.
Thankfully, you and I have a Father who has openly and lavishly expressed His love for us. First of all, His Creation expressed His love for us. For millennia He expressed His love to us through His prophets. Then, in spite of mankind’s rejection, He came to earth as man to express the ultimate love when He gave His life for our salvation. This was something He planned before He ever created the world. (see Revelation 13:8)
Our Heavenly Father’s love for us has become a high standard for all of us to imitate. St. Paul said it like this:
Mostly what God does is love you. Keep company with him and learn a life of love. Observe how Christ loved us. His love was not cautious but extravagant. He didn't love in order to get something from us but to give everything of himself to us. Love like that. (Ephesians 5:2 MSG)
Isn’t it ironic that some people lament the fact that their earthly father did not adequately express his love for them, even as they ignore or reject the incredible expressions of love extended to them by their Heavenly Father? I am guessing that they have just never had an up-close experience with Him. I was blessed to have an earthly father that expressed his love to me. I was even more blessed to be taught about a Heavenly Father who loves me unconditionally. But I never really knew Him or enjoyed His affection until I got to know him personally. The more time I spend with Him, the more He conveys His love toward me.
I have noticed that God is eager to express His love to all kinds of people. He invites them to spend some time alone with Him so He can tell them personally. This may mean pushing past the opinions of others who have been exposed to religion, but not to a personal relationship with a loving Heavenly Father. If you have a chance, take Him up on His invitation you spend some private time with Him. If you can shut out all the noise and hear His voice, you will remember your Heavenly Father’s words for the rest of your life.
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Friday, June 14, 2019