We watched as our pet cat carefully crept out onto the branch. She was careful and patient as she inched further out from the main trunk onto the limb where an unsuspecting bird was happily perched. You could almost feel the confidence our little feline possessed. No doubt, in her mind, the bird was already supper. She had successfully stalked and captured many birds in her time. Just a few more inches and then a pounce is all it would take.
So intent was she on her prey that she failed to calculate how quickly the branch she traversed was tapering. Her confidence caused her to throw caution to the wind. Her greed caused her to not count the cost. So, she took another step, then suddenly lurched, because the branch could no longer hold her weight. Up went the bird; down went the cat.
We laughed. Our cat should have known better. Even as a child I could see that walking out on such a small branch was a foolish move. But she couldn’t help herself. She was so cocky, she couldn’t see straight. She overplayed her hand and ended up thirty feet below - on her feet, but visibly shaken.
That reminds me of another stalker. A much more famous, sinister and destructive hunter. As Jesus traveled the earth doing good, Satan, like a roaring lion, did everything he could do to take Him out. What made him think he was any match for God in flesh is beyond reason, but the same willfulness and pride that got him demoted from heaven in the first place continued to drive him to more foolishness. You would think he would learn.
This time it played out like this: Satan found a disenfranchised disciple who disagreed with Jesus and the Bible, set out to do something about it. Satan inspired the now famous Judas Iscariot to turn against His Rabbi, who he had seen heal the sick and raise the dead. Go figure! Saint Luke records it like this: “Then Satan entered into Judas Iscariot, who was one of the twelve disciples, and he went to the leading priests and captains of the Temple guard to discuss the best way to betray Jesus to them.” (Luke 22:3-4 NLT)
That betrayal led to Jesus’ arrest, several illegal trials and a wrongful, hideous execution. The politicians, the press and the mob all joined forces to silence the voice of Jesus. Satan was their inspiration and, evidently, he thought he was about to succeed in conquering God himself. But Satan lost big-time. Jesus was executed, but he rose again the third day, just as he had predicted.
Satan got played. He actually did the dirty work that set Jesus up so he could pay for the sins of all who would believe in Him. They were all played. Saint Paul reflected that, “the rulers of this world have not understood it; if they had, they would not have crucified our glorious Lord.” (1 Corinthians 2:8 NLT)
In short, Satan helped orchestrate Jesus’ ultimate victory over death, hell and the grave. He should have known better. Looking back, even a child can see it was a foolish move. But Satan couldn’t help himself. He was so cocky, he couldn’t think straight. He overplayed his hand and ended up getting played. He is still getting played, as is the mob and much of the world system.
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Tuesday, October 29, 2019