It was a spectacular, one of a kind, display in the heavens. Extra-terrestrial beings appeared in the night sky and declared “peace on earth good will toward men.” ( Luke 2:14) It rattled the cosmos and highlighted an event that would change human history. Their words are still echoing throughout the world today! Although the message was first delivered to men who were poor - and probably illiterate - it has since been discussed in ivory towers and influential pulpits. Books have been written about the occasion and songs describing the event have become our favorites. Still, some may wonder, “what happened to the peace and good will?”
Truth be told, a lot of bad things happen in the world. But it could be argued that there are probably still more good deeds done each day than bad. Yet, the world does seem to be much less peaceful that most of us would like. The reason the angels gave for peace on earth, was that a child had been born in a stable; a child who would save the world. That child would grow up to be the most influential man of all times. Ironically, on the surface, His life would seem to be anything but peaceful and His death would not even resemble peace. The way the world would treat Him and His followers was anything but peaceful. According to a recent article, most religious persecution is directed toward Christians. So, what was “peace on earth” supposed to mean?
The question is answered in the core of Christian theology: God is good, but He does not force His goodness on mankind. His peace is an offer. It was made possible by that Savior who died to pay for mankind’s sins and who extends an offer to forgive the sins of those who will believe on Him. He goes further and promises to completely wash away the sins of those who are baptized in His name, and then to give them the inner power to live at peace in a troubled world (see Acts 2:38-39).
An analogy of the angel’s declaration might be as follows: A health professional walks into a gym class full of proud, 16-year-old athletes. Many of them are privately suffering from athlete’s foot - a fungal disease known by the scientific name of inea pedis. It is ringworm of the foot, which some may consider embarrassing. The health professional takes out some bottles and declares, “I have some ointment here that will cure athlete’s foot. All you have to do is stand up and admit you are infected, and I will give you a free bottle.” In a testosterone-filled room, of teenage boys, eyes might dart, and snickers might be heard, but it is likely that the health professional will not get many takers. Although relief is declared and readily available, it will only be realized when someone takes the health professional up on their offer.
Billions of people have expressed their faith in what Christ did. Many of them have testified that the result is an inner peace “that the world can’t give, and the world can’t take away.” It is a beautiful, personal peace available to all. This Christmas season would be a great time to take God up on His offer. Don’t be embarrassed, because we have all sinned. Peace on earth is within arm’s reach.
# posted by John W. Hanson @ Thursday, December 19, 2019