Friday, January 20, 2023


For Our Benefit

 It was a tragedy, and probably completely avoidable. On Friday afternoon, August 26, 2020, a man hiking in Grand Canyon National Park fell approximately 200 feet to his death. As people heard this news release from the National Park Service, I am sure their hearts went out to the man’s family and friends. He was only 44 years old. Immediately, the question arises: “What could have been done to keep this kind of thing from happening?”


As more of the story was revealed, it became clear that the victim fell because he had ventured off the designated trail. He accidentally fell from rim west of the Bright Angel Point Trail, located on the North Rim of the park, because he didn’t feel the need to stick to the trail. The Grand Canyon National Park rangers who were called for rescue efforts found the man's body about 200 feet below the rim and determined he would not have fallen if he had kept to the trail, which the park service spent millions to create and maintain.


One source reported that, over the years, 180 people have died, falling into the Grand Canyon. Knowing that close to five million tourists will visit each year, The Park Service spends millions of dollars to try to keep people safe. To get a sense for how much money is spent, we can note that in 2017 the park announced it was short 300 million dollars in repair money. Throughout the years the Park Service has spent thousands of manhours and millions of dollars building and maintaining safe trails and secure lookout points. They were built for the benefit of hikers like this man. He did not pay for the trail, except through taxes. His life would have probably been spared if he had just stuck to the path someone else thoughtfully provided. 


God went to a lot of trouble to lay out some trails for His creation. When mankind holds to those trails and safety features, families, communities, and nations prosper. But human nature seems to always insist on leaving the trails. In doing so, we forfeit everything that was painstakingly provided for our benefit.


Here are four examples of some beneficial safety features God has given for us who are hiking through the Grand Canyon of life:


1.    The benefit day of rest and reflection: In Mark 2:27 Jesus said, “The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath.” God said we should take a day off every week. Man turned it into a heavy burden. Few of us truly take a day of rest each week. Even fewer enjoy the benefit of making it the Lord’s Day.


2.    The benefit of marriage: God says, be faithful to one partner. Many scientific studies have proven people are happier and live longer when they take this path. Others have proven that children are blessed when their parents choose this path. But, if we insist on selfishness and unfaithfulness… if we play the field… we will forfeit the love and trust we could enjoy. Our children will also be cheated. 


3.    The benefit of honesty: God says don’t take what is not ours. He says not to lie. But some say, “I better get what I can and let other people fend for themselves,” thereby forfeiting the joy of giving and the peace that comes from contentment and a clear conscience.


4.    The benefit of wisdom: The commandment “Honor you father and mother,” is a safety feature designed to bless us and future generations. As our society has violated this principle, our culture has sunk into an avalanche of things like violence, rebellion, and mass murder. 


People are blessed when they take full advantage of all the benefits God built into His creation. When we can recognize the trail and guardrails as gifts, we can embrace them and enjoy the benefits. 


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