Monday, August 12, 2024


Impossible to Please

 I grew up just 70 miles west of Custer Battlefield in Montana. Colonel George Armstrong Custer was an officer in the American Civil War and American Indian Wars. The battlefield and museum tell the story about June 25, 1876. Custer, while leading the 7th Cavalry Regiment at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, in Montana Territory, against a coalition of Native American tribes, was killed along with every soldier of the five companies he led. This event became known as "Custer's Last Stand." It was a slaughter because the Indians fought differently than the soldiers were used to, so they won handily. That is what everyone seems to remember about Custer. I grew up thinking he might have been lacking in leadership abilities.


But Custer was not as inept as I thought. He was such an accomplished officer that he is still studied by military officers-in-training. He is considered one of the civil war’s greatest commanders. Here are a few of his accomplishments:

·      He graduated from West Point in top 1/3 of his class.

·      Though outnumbered at Gettysburg, he defeated J. E. B. Stuart's attack at what is now known as East Cavalry Field.

·      In 1864, he defeated Jubal Early at Cedar Creek. 

·      In 1865, he destroyed or captured the remainder of Early's forces at the Battle of Waynesboro. 

·      His division blocked the Army of Northern Virginia's final retreat and received the first flag of truce from the Confederates. 

·      He was also present at Robert E. Lee's surrender to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Court House, Virginia. 


Many less qualified men have been honored and praised, because something they did happened to be highlighted at just the right moment.  What a revelation to figure out that other people often don’t know enough about you, and don’t have enough wisdom to truly judge who you are. If the world does not seem to understand you… if your loved ones don’t seem to know who you really are… if life hasn’t given you the breaks you would have liked… you’re in good company! People can be impossible to please; not God.


It may be a surprise to discover how freeing it can be to turn to the Sovereign, Just Judge for affirmation. Although many have feared the judgment of God, He is the only one who can judge fairly and according to the heart. If one’s heart is right, they have no worries. The One who runs the universe offers to forgive and give people the power to live life with a good heart. He provides the grace and power! His children may make mistakes or fall short in the eyes of their fellow man. History may ignore his people or misinterpret their actions. But, none of that can steals the joy of someone who’s heart is in the hands of a God who sees all, and judges everyone by their heart rather than their accomplishments. 


People are impossible to please. It is often impossible to feel pleased with one’s self. But aligning with God is life-changing; it is the ultimate freedom!


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